is it to late to plant a outdoor cannabis in ontario?

kush grower

hey guys i was wondering if its to late to plant a new outdoor cannabis plant seeing as mine has died any thoughts on complications?:leaf:


Well-Known Member
I agree, too late to start an outdoor grow now. I have plants that look like they will be done in 2 or 3 weeks


Well-Known Member
tear them up and grow them inside. I have some that are ready in september. I dont thing it will be worth it if they are already flowering when yours grow they will be put straight into flower mode and not grow. if you want a gram or two. You can try but i have huge flowers/buds on mine already. im new to growing but if mine were in the ground april 2nd (started inside) i dont see how if you put them in now you will get anything of value

But like you said already germinated and in soil so let them grow and keep us updated on how it goes.

Carl Spackler

Well-Known Member
I'm not sure how many times this grower needs to be told but clearly he isn't getting the answer he is after. No less than 4-5 threads have been started regarding the amount of time needed to finish a grow in the Ontario area and the overall consensus is NO. There is far too little time left in his location to grow anything other than spindly plants that have almost no chance of finishing with anything other than a few grams of tiny, fluffy flowers with sub-quality potency. Get a earlier start next season or go indoors.


Active Member
No, you probably wont be able to do it but its worth a shot if your able to bring your plants inside for the last 2 weeks of their flowering. You probably wont get much but its worth the try for a couple grams. The first frost where I am in Ontario (613) is October 5th