Is marijuana a acid plant


New Member
Uhhh ... yes, marijuana is an acid loving plant ... but there are limits. Get a PH meter to measure the PH.(what else.) For soil grows, a PH up to 7.0 is fine. For hydro, a PH between 5.2 and 6.0 is good. You want to keep track of the PH because the plant will take up the most amount of nutrients when the PH is correct. If its not correct ... too high or too low, the plant will lock out the nutrents.

If you are mixing your own soil, put a SMALL handfull of granulated Dolimite Lime into each two gallons of soil mix. That will keep your PH stable. For Hydro growing we use PH "Up" or PH "Down." Don't get fooled by anything that's posted in the hydro forum regarding PH ... and try to use that for a soil grow. If you do, you'll kill your plants.


PS: You can buy the Dolimite Lime at any nursery.

alphabibbiddy boo boo

Well-Known Member
i used to sell doses to cannabis all the time.. i eventually started to feel bad for capitalizing off of her habit, and went as far as to have an intervention with her..

she's been clean now for 8 months


Well-Known Member
When I was in High School, a dude claimed his dad was growing an "acid plant" in the basement. I always imagined this plant with sheets of LSD sprouting from all the branches.


Coffee is an acidic drink but the used grounds lose much but not all of the acid during brewing. Using unbrewed grounds should lower your pH. Composting coffee grounds may be a good idea. If you're not composting I suggest looking into it. Its free...
acid? For plants or people. Trippinballs. Those were good times. But for plants Its great for the garden and a great way to recycle. Get it free from your local deli bro. egg shells too, this is how i give back to my community. waist not......
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