Is my girl getting Uderwatering Or Heat Stress??


Well-Known Member
My plant used to be a bit more perky on the leaves and stems section, but now both seem to be drooping. I water about once every three days when the top soil is bone dry, and the same exact strategy works perfect for my other plant, but this one is always droopy. I keep my closet pretty well ventilated so I know that the temperature is close to ideal, but I'm thinking maybe my 2x65+105watt cfl's are too close to the leaves?
I watered it a fair amount more than usual in the morning to see what would happen, but still its still not picking up. Any ideas?


Well-Known Member
yes, but in my case i let the soil go COMPLETELY DRY before i water. I did the research before asking this question, and i know its not overwatering which i have been adamant to avoid. I want to know what else could be causing it. nutes?? not enough light??


Well-Known Member
Root system is stressed you must re pot bro and water more often, try veg hydro nutes.


Well-Known Member
she needs more soil the roots want to grow with her..
I have a 2 foot plant in a 3 gallon container, I believe that should be enough, also I'm weeks into the flowering phase and vertical growth has slowed considerably. Couldnt I just add more topsoil?

i grow everglades bud

Well-Known Member
Looks yellow and weak. Starving IMO. pull plant out of pot and check roots mighthave a problem there if everything else u do was right. Like Neut amounts, waterings and flushing for salt levels I would check p.h of soil to rule out lock out too as well as e.c to know salt level.


Well-Known Member
Looks yellow and weak. Starving IMO. pull plant out of pot and check roots mighthave a problem there if everything else u do was right. Like Neut amounts, waterings and flushing for salt levels I would check p.h of soil to rule out lock out too as well as e.c to know salt level.
yes i'm thinking its a nute overload o some sort, i'm just using plain water now and waiting to see what happens. its still drooping ater 3 days so i might need to flush soon if nothing changes