Is my plant healthy ?

The Kush Guy

Active Member
Looks great, 8 days from a seedling?

Are you giving it any light nutes yet? Might want to do some half strength mild nutes. What nutes are you using?



Well-Known Member
Yeah is looks good in color but awfully small!! Is that eight days from seed or out of the ground?? I say you should give it half nutes as well if not less!! Dont want to burn your little baby! Let us know something!!


Active Member
dont nute it before you get the pH straight.

it will not grow up without the correct pH. nutes or none.


The green has only come from the awful contrast on my camera. I'll try and get a better picture later on.

No clue about the strain, straight out of a bag.
Took 2 days to germinate then that's 8 days into grow.
Not using any nutrients, I have started watering it less, I thought that I was watering it too much as the growth started to slow.

I've just moved it into a bigger pot as the tap root was getting very long, longer than the actual plant.

I'm using 5 70W full spectrum, haha. It was a test to start out but I might take it seriously if it's healthy.


Well-Known Member
It's tiny! I've got some plants that just sprouted three or four days ago and they're easily triple that size (fourth set of leaves is emerging as we speak).

What are these "full spectrum" lights you're using? ARe they floros? CFLS? CFLs are usually labeled with "equivalent watts", so your 70W bulbs are really only 15W if that's what you're using. May want to step up to 26W or 42W bulbs instead. Those "full" spectrum floros are 5000k, which are okay for growing, but you'd be better off with 6500k.

EDIT: please don't listen to the people who tell you to give that tiny seedling fertilizer. it DOES NOT NEED FERTILIZER until it's out of the seedling stage (3-4 weeks from now).

The Kush Guy

Active Member
I respectfully disagree, 3-4 weeks before any nutes for a seedling? 4-5 weeks and my seedlings are in Veg. My seedlings are 4" tall (and 4+ nodes) after 3-4 weeks and definitely need nutes by then.

First week or two, I can see the argument for that, but 3-4, I think that is definitely way too long. IMHO.

It maybe tiny, but every strain is different.


It's tiny! I've got some plants that just sprouted three or four days ago and they're easily triple that size (fourth set of leaves is emerging as we speak).

What are these "full spectrum" lights you're using? ARe they floros? CFLS? CFLs are usually labeled with "equivalent watts", so your 70W bulbs are really only 15W if that's what you're using. May want to step up to 26W or 42W bulbs instead. Those "full" spectrum floros are 5000k, which are okay for growing, but you'd be better off with 6500k.

EDIT: please don't listen to the people who tell you to give that tiny seedling fertilizer. it DOES NOT NEED FERTILIZER until it's out of the seedling stage (3-4 weeks from now).


Is there anything I could be doing to help growth ? I hear when there is free air and a bit of a sway it thickens the stem and helps photosynthesis. Any other tips like that ?

The Kush Guy

Active Member
In my opinion, nutrients help but keep them mild. I'd wait a bit on circulating air, dont want to dry the little one out. The growth is generally slow the first week or two, most of what is happening is happening below the dirt. In a week or so, you will start to see marked growth above the dirt.

Nothing really is sure fire, other than time. Patience is the hardest part of growing.


Is there anything I could be doing to help growth ? I hear when there is free air and a bit of a sway it thickens the stem and helps photosynthesis. Any other tips like that ?


I agree, I'm so impatient. That's why I kept watering them so much, so it was something to do. But yeah the roots are massive.

Should I wait for the soil to dry before I water so the roots search for the water ?
And how often should I water ?


Well-Known Member
I respectfully disagree, 3-4 weeks before any nutes for a seedling? 4-5 weeks and my seedlings are in Veg. My seedlings are 4" tall (and 4+ nodes) after 3-4 weeks and definitely need nutes by then.

First week or two, I can see the argument for that, but 3-4, I think that is definitely way too long. IMHO.

It maybe tiny, but every strain is different.

the plants don't need any additional "food" than what they're already getting from the soil and from the cotyledons.

You shouldn't feed them nutes until the cotyledons have yellowed and fallen off, which typically doesn't happen until the plants are 3-5 weeks old.

If you're growing hydroponically, then that's different because the plants aren't getting any nutrients from the soil.

Feeding them too soon can not only cause a buildup in the soil (because the plants can't utilize all that "extra" food you've given them) which can lead to nutrient "lockout" that will stunt the plant's growth, but feeding them too soon can burn them, also.

Seedlings that small DON'T need nutes, period, regardless of the strain. Look at them, for god's sake! They're not even 3 nodes high, there's nothing TO feed.


Well-Known Member
In my opinion, nutrients help but keep them mild. I'd wait a bit on circulating air, dont want to dry the little one out.

Jesus... the air circulation helps strengthen the stems. It simulates the wind that would blow the plants around if they were growing outside. Putting a fan on them isn't going to dry them out, as it's HEAT that evaporates water, not air circulation.


Well-Known Member
I agree, I'm so impatient. That's why I kept watering them so much, so it was something to do. But yeah the roots are massive.

Should I wait for the soil to dry before I water so the roots search for the water ?
And how often should I water ?
Yes, let the soil dry out completely between waterings.

How often you should water depends on how quickly the soil dries out. Get a feel for how much your pots weigh when the soil is completely dry, and water the plants when the pots feel light enough.

EDIT: Might want to add some more light, if all you're using is one 42W bulb. That could explain why your plant is so tiny.
Axxe this forum is full of information thanks to all that has contributed it helps newbies a lot. I just started to grow myself and below are photos of my two I started. One is 6 days and the other is 4 days. Good luck on your grow!