Is my plant okay?


looks ok to me, hard to tell with the lighting, but I would say with the amount of water around it you are probably paying too much attention to it. when you water, you can mist it with a spray bottle or something like that but you don't want to over water. make sure to give the light a break, at least a few hours per day, once it gets a bit bigger you can go 24 but I think it will grow better now with a little rest. Perhaps think about making a tiny green house out of a bottle for it to get the humidity up for a bit. that will usually help out. good luck, and stop looking at it, it feels like it grows faster that way.


actually I looked closer at the picture and see it looks like the seed casing is stuck on the plant, you need to get something like a pair of tweezers and pull it off gently, very gently. sorry, before I couldn't tell, and I'm honestly still not sure, but if you can look closely and see if the seed casing is still on the sprout then you need to do something to help it out now, especially if its been five days. if it had just happened I would say try to give it time to work itself out, but since its been five days, you should get to work asap.


Looking at the soil it's way too wet..
Easiest way I've found for people to not over water , is get a pot same size fill with soil and see how it feels dry. Then when planted one feels close you water. When you water do so until you at least get some run off, that helps to keep from getting a build up in your soil.


so did you pull it off or did it fall off? just curious cause I wasn't sure how long it had been that way? looks great now!!!!!


I waited a couple hours, and it got to the point where it was hanging on just by a thread, so I was able to pull it right off without any problems. It was only the way for about a day. Jah bless!


Nothing particularly bad, just was bending slightly. 4 gallon pot, 50% Natures Care Organic Mix, 25% Earthworm Castings, 25% bloodmeal, and less than a handful of Epsom Salt is my mix. As far as lighting, I have it under three 100 watt CFLs, two 5000k and one 2700k. Also a decently sized round fan for circulation.


Well-Known Member
Looking good keep it up and dont over water. I let my soil dry all the way out to the ooint my plants get a lottle droopy before i water.
Well done. Looking good.

Is this your first grow? Only asking cause you remind me of me in my earlier years. I was fussing so much over my plants i almost killed them. Lol.

Now I just germinate seeds and let them do their thing.

Your plant looks good now. I'd only recommend worrying a bit less. They don't call it 'weed' for nothing. They are tough plants.

Good luck.