Is my setup alright? will i grow anything?


Currently i have 1 flourescent grow light 24 inches. its angled against the wall with my plants under it, my plants are just seedlings that sprouted yesterday and the day before. I may smoke a little but i'm really just trying my luck at making a few bucks, oh and by the way this is my first ever grow. Any feed back would be great thank you! :weed:0717121117.jpg


Well-Known Member
They may grow under that light but will not flower worth a darn. So you got 4-5 weeks to
dig up the jack for a 400W or bigger flower bulb. If that is not possible perhaps an easier
hobby would suit you.



I have a job so i can get a new light, this was just to start off, i can still grow outside in pots til it gets to cold. should i get a 400w hps or do other lights work better? would my best bet be to grow them outside and then bring them into a flowering room, and space and stealthiness is an issue. thanks for the reply


New Member
Currently i have 1 flourescent grow light 24 inches. its angled against the wall with my plants under it, my plants are just seedlings that sprouted yesterday and the day before. I may smoke a little but i'm really just trying my luck at making a few bucks, oh and by the way this is my first ever grow. Any feed back would be great thank you! :weed:View attachment 2257944
hey there buddy. so now wit hall this spare time watching your plants you should clean out that closet and get yourself a little bench or table to set those on. possibly find a way to hang the light. but i would definately recomend cleaning! MORE SPACE && (self sufficiency) ;).
good luck


New Member
oh yea and yess. youre going to want more light than that. its $10 for a 4 pack of 26w/100w replacement cfls. those bulbs rated at 5000k ligt appearance, 1600 lumens in a bulb and you just break apart an old lab for the light socket. spend an extra 5 dollars on socket adapters to meet your needs for 4 bulbs on 1 socket. and you should be good to go. it only took me about $40 my first day. but its slowly turned into 200 over the past two weeks haha


Well-Known Member
Clean that mess. And if you want best bang for your buck without using HIDs fill that space with T5. Buds will be a bit airy but you can flower nice with them. And as far as making a few buck with 3 plants and floros. Good luck.


Active Member
Yeah mate tidy the fook up :D

That flourescent will be good at first, the plants will grow, but when they start getting larger and vegetative growth really kicks in they're going to lag. Flowering (the prize) won't be worth a damn with one flourescent tube. From your circumstances, it sounds like you should go CFL imo, invest in some big wattage CFL's (check eBay), they're not expensive (I pay around £20 for a 125w(625w equiv) bulb, and run multiple ones).

So in short, that light will do you the first few weeks, but if you're looking to make some cash on the side you need yield to make it worthwhile. For that, you need to spend more on bulbs and lighting, part of the process alas.

Also tidy up, its important for plant health and perhaps more seriously - fire hazard when you're not home. Stay safe.


Active Member
I would start by hanging that light horizontally...the way it is supposed to be. Then put the plants directly under it. as they are that small you could even drape some white plastic or even tinfoil over the top of the hanging light and it would drape down each side to act as a reflector...that would be a very easy cheap start. If you cant afford HID, take grrouch's advice and hit the home depot and get some light socket adapters. you can get a socket for about extention cord, cut the end off and splice them together. then for about 2.50 each you can get multipl splitters or adapters that will allow you to have multiple bulbs in one socket. then you can upgrade the cfl bulbs as you get more money. a little cfl set up like that is also smaller than a four foot florescent lamp and so you can tuck it away in a closet or cabinet lined with reflected walls. but you gotta hurry up, because as i found out...these beautiful plants grow fast. they wont be babies for long. go spend 40bucks at the depot and youll have a more managable set up.


Well-Known Member
400W is a good place to start. Get that light set up and use the cfl's along the side while flowering.

Every watt helps when flowering. I have a 1000W HPS bulb set up in my flowering room as well as a 24/7
ceiling fan. The fan has a place for a light bulb. I put a 100W bulb in the fixture and can see an improvement
from 1000W to 1100W.



Well-Known Member
you need more light than that unless you want a streched out jacked up plant and btw you probbly wont make much cash being only 3 plants only 1 maby 2 will be female if you dont stress them being your first grow you probably wont yeild much but you learn from your mistakes i was there once to. good luck


thank you all, i will clean and you all helped alot, ill head to home depot later in the week i just made $100 so ill be all set thanks again! :D


Just my two sense as a first time grower myself...And in agreement with several others here....Picked up some used T5's off the interent for cheap, just to get me started. I'm in week four of 12/12 and this is how she looks...IMAG0222.jpgIMAG0225.jpgIMAG0226.jpgIMAG0227.jpg I'll definitelly be switching to 2 - 600w hps, But all in good time.


Well-Known Member
for personal smoke you can do quite well with t5's, but dont think you can make much cash that way.. good start tho. and keep the grow space clean mate trash the rest of house is aok if you so choose.. lol


Active Member
Depending on your space will dictate what size lite u need. I personally like indoor growing. To me u can controll alot of the variables that u can not outside, but i grew out doors for years. That being said there is no sub for go old sun light. Keep in mind, indoor is a little more time consuming, but i think its worth it. and definitly clean up your area, dirty area makes for a bad grow. Good Luck