is PH level is importan fact


hi i what to know if the ph level is an importan fact for indoor growing im growing in soil in a 4,4,6 tent with a 600w in it and i never chek the ph level of my watter and i alway grow the strain at its maximum i get about 250G with 2 plant . this is to know if it would change something if i test it



Well-Known Member
Yes it is, some town water is above 8 in ph and if you keep putting that in the soil the PH will rise and plants will suffer, so will your final weight. By the look of things your water is around 6.5 -7 and nutes the same.


Well-Known Member
Not for me anymore since i foliar feed any ph imbalance that may cause deficiencies won't have the chance to occur.Not saying i don't know the range of my ph(no meter needed)
6.5-6.8 it needs to be a lil lower for micro nutrients but i foliar feed with micro nutrients.

The New Jim Jones

Well-Known Member
Not for me anymore since i foliar feed any ph imbalance that may cause deficiencies won't have the chance to occur.Not saying i don't know the range of my ph(no meter needed)
6.5-6.8 it needs to be a lil lower for micro nutrients but i foliar feed with micro nutrients.
what is foliar feeding? is it anything like areoponics just on the leaves?


Well-Known Member
Foliar feeding has always seemed strange to me. Idk about plants, but my body has a ONE way digestive tract : )


thx everyone ill try to keep my ph around 6 and 6.5 i just got my new tester for 30$ on ebay what a great deal : ):-P