Is pot lethal to dogs?


Well-Known Member
If it causes them to throw up and choke maybe. I just looked for LD50 values for THC in dogs, the gave up to 3g/kg orally without fatality. By IV it was 100mg/kg, but I'm wondering what it was in and if it wasn't just the solvent system that did it.
I hit post and thought of something right after. If its edibles that have chocolate that could do it. So chocolate chips or brownies or stuff like that could be the culprit.


Well-Known Member
I had a bassett hound that would freak out during thunder storms, I would feed him pot cookies and brownies and he would snooze right thru the bad weather. Never seen any ill effects and he lived to 15.


Well-Known Member
My friend's dog ate some hash off the table one time... she got all comatose and was like dead weight when we picked her up.
Then as soon as we said "you wanna go outside?" the dog jumped up and was back in normal dog mode.

Same friend has another dog who's about 13 yrs old and been running her whole life, and when we're smoking she'll put her face by the window and literally tries to lap up the smoke. she loves it.


Well-Known Member
Back in the day I had a friend whose dog would come running within seconds of a bowl being lit.


Well-Known Member
my 3 year old dog is a pothead all started when he was a pup he ate a oz of the table now he makes you give him shotguns every exhale and will follow the smoke from one person to the next


my buddy made a buch of weed cookies and another buddies dog ate almost the whole batch,just slept it off.its funny cause they say choc is toxic to dogs.if you really want to laugh get a cat or rabbit stoned they get so sloppy,leaning over and falling


Active Member
my buddy made a buch of weed cookies and another buddies dog ate almost the whole batch,just slept it off.its funny cause they say choc is toxic to dogs.if you really want to laugh get a cat or rabbit stoned they get so sloppy,leaning over and falling

Kitteh Balance.

There's a chemical in chocolate that is fatal to dogs, the darker the chocolate the more of the chemical content. At this point, a dog will be fine if they have small amounts of chocolate, or even moderate to large amounts of milk chocolate.


Well-Known Member
hash or wax edibles can really fuck a dogs world up. Ive seen it 3 times now. Super wobbly for a few days but always seemed to snap out of it eventually. The worst chocolate for dogs is baking chocolate( super bitter stuff) i think it can kill them.


Well-Known Member
milk chocolate dosent really do shit to them. My buddies dog ate a whole bag of hershies holoween bars and was fine


King Tut
From my experiences, no. Hell, our two little chihuahuas will snag ANY weed dropped or left accessible. Then they get all lazy and loving lol. Just curl up in my lap and cuddle then crash. Can't be TOO pissed at them taking advantage of my lack of judgement in placing/caring for my weed.

Obi Wan Kenabis

Active Member
Yeah, I saw a couple stories about pooch-killing pot. Googled around, and the ASPCA has gotten about 250 reports of animals ingesting weed. Of these, 2 died. One cat and, I think, one horse. Both had a bunch of other ailments that were probably the real cause of death.

I won't come right out and say bullshit on the report 'cause I don't know much about how weed works on animals. Or will I? Yeah, fuck it. Bullshit.

I could be wrong but this all sounds like the made-up "facts" that prohibitionist wackos have been pushing for generations.


Well-Known Member
I really don't see how weed could kill a horse. They do react very differently to drugs than humans (opioids are strong stimulants in horses, fentanyl was used to dope race horses for a long time until a test for it was developed), but they're really big. Maybe if it ate a whole mature outdoor plant, but I don't think even that could do it.

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
i feed my dog small nugs every day . . .she loves em and begs for em and it seems to calm her down and make her better as an in house dog