Is Romney an illegal immigrant?....


Well-Known Member
We haven't seen the long form birth certificate and I am unsure as to whether he is a US citizen. We know his family hated the United States and illegally immigrated to Mexico to practice their strange Mormon rituals of incestual orgies and marrying their livestock. However they came back in order to further the Mormon agenda and destroy our culture from within, but the question I have is whether we have any proof they entered our beautiful nation legally. I know his father is a Mexican, just as Obama's is a Kenyan, but I am unsure about his citizenship. Anybody seen it? What do we really know about this guy? Is anyone else nervous about this?

We don't really know about him other than he is a member of a strange cult that wears magic underwear and does not believe in traditional marriage. We also know that he is anti-gun and there are rumors he would round up all the firearms in this beautiful nation to melt them down in order to build a statue of Bringham Young in Salt Lake City after he moves the capital of our nation there. Once the capital is there he will appoint the Leaders of the Church of Latter Day Saints as his cabinet. And he plans to suspend the Constitution and appoint them into government leadership positions. Either way, we should start by cutting him off early and disqualifying him before he is even in the running. So with that, is he a US citizen or an illegal immigrant who is here to destroy our nation? And do we have an actual birth certificate and not a forgery?


Well-Known Member
If that was the case, the problem is he is not eligible to be the POTUS. We don't know, do we? Where is Donald Trump? Where are the birthers?

desert dude

Well-Known Member
where were all the birthers in 1968 when romney's mexican born father ran for president? :lol:

I realize this thread is pure satire, but there were "birthers' in 1968, the difference being they were Democrats so they weren't "crazy":

By February 1967, some newspapers were questioning Romney's eligibility given his Mexican birth.[SUP][5][/SUP] In May 1967, the Democratic chair of the House Judiciary Committee, Emanuel Celler, said he had "serious doubts" about whether Romney was eligible, but had no plans to formally challenge the matter.[SUP][2][/SUP] Another member of Congress made a case against Romney the following month.[SUP][5][/SUP] In response, the New York Law Journal published an article by a senior attorney at Sullivan & Cromwell arguing that Romney was, in fact, eligible.[SUP][5][/SUP] The Congressional Research Service also came down on Romney's side,[SUP][5][/SUP] as did most other constitutional experts at the time.[SUP][2][/SUP]
During the campaign, Romney was generally considered a viable and legal candidate for United States president. He departed the race before the matter could be more definitively resolved,[SUP][3][/SUP] although the preponderance of opinion since then has been that he was eligible.[SUP][6]"[/SUP],_1968