Is she done?


Well-Known Member
I have two ladies that look like they are close to done. I have not got my loop yet due to shipping mishap but just the phone pics look like almost 30-50% are turning amber.

How fast do they all start to flip. If I am ready to harvest can I push it another two weeks till I have my second tent?

I am ok with a heavy high however I want it to be fire and not ruin anything.



Active Member
I have two ladies that look like they are close to done. I have not got my loop yet due to shipping mishap but just the phone pics look like almost 30-50% are turning amber.

How fast do they all start to flip. If I am ready to harvest can I push it another two weeks till I have my second tent?

I am ok with a heavy high however I want it to be fire and not ruin anything.
Very nice flowers man those plants look great I would go another week 2 at most but two might be too long it’s all about preference. Would you be able to get a cheap magnifying glass for now to check the trichs til your jewelers loop came in but they look literally just about done. Good job dude


Well-Known Member
Very nice flowers man those plants look great I would go another week 2 at most but two might be too long it’s all about preference. Would you be able to get a cheap magnifying glass for now to check the trichs til your jewellers loop came in but they look literally just about done. Good job dude
I have a buddy coming over on Sunday with a 1000x scope so I will be able to grab some amazing pics then and upload them then. Yeah i am stoked this is my first run and the rest of the tent is shaping up so well. My other two Widows in the 5g pots are going to be massive yielders...I hope lol


Active Member
Awesome yeah you will really have a good idea after you check them with that scope. And that’s what I use 5 gallon pots the plants do get pretty big in them I wanna try 7 gallon for my next run and see if they get even bigger lol


Well-Known Member
Very frosty man, making my mouth water. Nice job! I would just keep checking them during the 2 weeks. If they get to done u know what to do.