Is she ready? (PICS)


Active Member
Approx 70-80% of the pistils are brown overall. Think ill chop her tonight, unless someone here see a reason not too...!?


Well-Known Member
If you have access to a scope i would check your trichromes just to make sure, judging by your picture it looks like most are very milky but then again i don't have super eyes lol. Its a good investment to get one of those little scopes w the light on it because trichromes are the only concrete way of knowing if your plant is fully mature or not. You could chop her now but waiting another week and being patient will pay off in the end. By the way your girl looks great!!


Well-Known Member
If you could take a picture of the the whole plant i could also get a little bit better idea, by looking at how much of your foliage is turning yellow and dieing off, that is also a sign that a plant is nearing the end of its life cycle, but you can only use that observation when the plant is nearing the end.


Active Member
One "ohh yeah, chop her down" and one "You could chop her now" is good enough for me, shes a goner in an hour when lights come on. Got 3 more ladies but their a bit behind still :)

Thnx for your help/time guys!