is she ready to be a mommy


Well-Known Member
no not really i tryed with tops and it didnt work and then i tryed with bottoms and i dont think it worked again, im doing something wrong or my cloning gel is shit , take ur pick.
hey bro try my method .. clone from the top get clonex cloning gel. peat moss pellets. sharp scissors and rooting hormone formula from clonex as well.. make a very weak solution of warm water and the rooting hormone . then soak the peat pellets in it till they all expand . then drain out extra water from your tray. head to your mom. start cutting at a 45 degree angle dipping the cutting directly into the clonex cloning gel for 15 seconds a piece then insert it directly into your wet pellets . continue till your full or done. mist clones lightly cover wit dome and keep humid 10 days u will have fully function clones bro... good luck but u def want to clone from the top also i dont use any cutting bigger then 3 inches. and any leaves that r unnecasarily big trim as to not have the plant waste to much energy on photosynthesis when it should be concentrating directly on rooting.. good luck


Well-Known Member
i always clone from the top, always had 100% success, maybe then if i take my clones from lower down they would root faster? is that what your sayin?
I am saying there are more hormones at the bottom of a plant so its always easier to clone bottom.
How old/tall are your plants when you clone the top. I curious being that I wonder what helps you get a 100% rate cloneing from the top.


Well-Known Member
Let her mature more and cuttings will root easier as Golden Ganja stated.

The rule of taking cuttings from the bottom is for well established Plants.

Al B Fucts method of cloning is a good one to emulate, he doesn't use a humidity dome. You should though.


Active Member
i just reallize that the temp in my cabinet migth be to high for my girls 95º during day ligth, but not to worry i also have co2 and i read temp has to run higher when in use so i think i´ll be ok. What do u guys think?


Active Member
i guess i´ll have to figure out a way to cool the room temp, since i cant see myself changing the cabinet setup cuz it came preassembled. check cabinet specs at i have the cool cab ( im starting to see theres nothing cool about it lol, at least when it comes to temp.)


Well-Known Member
use a flourescent light for mom and cuttings now or just leave door open. that is way to hot ...


Active Member
im going to open the door during day while i build a mother box, so i can put my mamas in there. i just need two fans and a big enough rubermaid container, i allready got the ligths and the sockets.


Active Member
opening the door worked it dropped from 95º to 86º, not bad i guess, the thing is that i wont be able to keep doing it fore ever so im thinking air conditioner.


Well-Known Member
opening the door worked it dropped from 95º to 86º, not bad i guess, the thing is that i wont be able to keep doing it fore ever so im thinking air conditioner.
Ideal temp. The venting on those cabs seems a bit enemic


Well-Known Member
so the last time i tryed to clone one of her sisters, i ended up with a dead clone and a dead mother, so i gave her more time to grow. What do you guys think, can i clone her?

if its a auto flowering plant you can forget about it so if its a ak48 dont bother because autoflowering plants dont clone bro sorry for the news


Active Member
if its a auto flowering plant you can forget about it so if its a ak48 dont bother because autoflowering plants dont clone bro sorry for the news
i dont think its an auto flowering plant , the bag where i got the seeds from was either hawaian something or something kush, you see i saved seeds out of two diferent bags of the names above i just mixed them up up so i dont know wich is wich. they were both dank so either one is ok by me. but when it comes to cloning im just doing it wrong or something , i changed from cloning gel to cloning powder i hope it makes a diference.


Active Member
so this is how the mothers look now, i got one in veg and the other in flower. the first pic is before i toped it and started to bend her , the second pic is how she looks now and i got her in flower, the third pic is her sister that was shorter so i left her in veg so i can use her as a mother plant, sorry for not having a before pic for the one in veg.

