IS there a way to raise the CBD level in a plant? what strains have high CBD?


I need some more CBD due to my stomach pain. How can I raise my CBD levels? or is it just genetic?
What strains have higher CBD than normal?


Well-Known Member
Harlequin and Cannatonic are very high in CBDs...I'm very interested in the crosses that are going to come out in the next few years using either one.


Well-Known Member
Now to actually answer the TS original question: It's all in the genetics. If there are ways to raise CBD, it will be barely noticeable if that plant doesn't have the genetic predisposition to produce high amounts of CBD.
There's a Cannatonic pheno with over 20% CBD and around 1% THC. It's rare. Most common high-CBD med is Harlequin. Regularly hits 15% CBD and around 5% THC. As mentioned Sour Tsunami and Omrita RX are consistent.

The ratio of CBD to THC in the plant is genetically fixed and typically doesn't vary. You can raise the amount of cannabinoids produced by the plant by increasing light intensity, up to a point.


Thanks all, now i know what to look out for. I have some omrita rx buds now, the cbd is 8.5%, the thc is 7%. I would love to find a seed or two in this batch. Ive never ordered seeds before, i live in cali and have easy access to clones. But i have never come across any of the strains mentioned thus far.


Well-Known Member
Im on the same search as well.. something high in CBD and relatively low in THC. I want to smoke super fatties for my ailments without getting super high.


Well-Known Member
I found a couple dispensaries here in LA that have Harlequin.. unfortunately they are charging obscene prices for them. Im not paying $50 an 8th. Most I ever spend on bud is $140/oz.
You nailed the effect. Removes the edge.

Harlequin has been by far my favorite CBD strain. It's a real producer, too. Couple of labs claim that its CBD volume by weight peaks two weeks before "harvest" time. Could be due to swelling of the plant at peak of inflorescence, so that the plant isn't producing more CBD, just more plant tissue in ratio to it.

The high-CBD True Blueberry OG is one of the best tasting.

The freaky high-CBD "LA Con" that showed up in the Bay and Sac recently is pretty special, too. Tastes and smells just like a classic Bubba, but got around 15% cannabidiol. Not surprising since there have been reports of high-CBD drug varieties in AfPak and Lebanon since the 60's.

Know a lot of people doing CBD crosses. We should see some good new CBD strains this winter.

Harlequin is going to be a nice base mix for my meds. Takes the edge off without the high.
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Well-Known Member
I have a male blueberry. If I figure out a way to harvest him without contaminating my neighborhood (I'm thinking very small pvc greenhouse?), I would love to hook you up with some pollen, ABM. To mix with a small branch of your harlequin. If you're interested, of course. It was a blueberry bagseed from a dispensary's free 8th. When I rub a branch between my fingers, it has an almost cheesy smell to it. its also one of my healthiest plants. Even branching.

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