is there any hope for this girl..


well i have no idea whats going on o_O
this plant is in the end of veg and all the sudden its looking like this pic and the soil is still wet(after not being watered for about 6 days)
i dont think it will make it...but let me kno....chop er down or hope of survival..?
1. not the only plant so wont be to tragic but does suck..
2. i was at least trying to find out why this has happened i just believe the roots have stopped absorbed anything..?
please let me know



Well-Known Member
I want to be useful!

Step 1- wash that floor!

Dude in all seriousness, that is weeks of neglect!


Well-Known Member
Cant tell what happened without more details. One things I can say for sure is that you should trash that plant and not waste anymore time on it, not that it seems you had been using too much time on her in the first place ;). In all seriousness, at least it looks like the other plants you can see parts of in the pic look great.