Is this a fair assessment of where Obama is?


Illegal Smile

Rich Lowry

It might have been the most revelatory moment of the Obama presidency. In an interview with Time magazine, a chastened President Obama talked of his sputtering Middle East peace initiative. "This is just really hard," he explained. "This is as intractable a problem as you get."

As an observation, this is as banal as it gets. After all the wars and all the terror attacks against Israel and all the frustrated American diplomatic forays across the last two administrations, no one should be surprised at the intractability of the Israeli-Arab conflict. But Obama sounded as if it were painful new information that had forced an unwelcome adjustment in his worldview. This speaks either to an astonishing historical ignorance (did he not know?) or a stupendous self-regard (did he not care because he thought he was so special?), or both.

There is already a debate over what went wrong with the Obama presidency. Is his team of advisers -- nearly universally considered the best and the brightest until the day before yesterday -- serving him poorly? Has he failed to communicate effectively, even though almost all his speeches have been critically acclaimed? Did he fail to "pivot to jobs" fast enough?

Actually, Obama has a more worrisome problem: a reality gap. During the campaign, Obama could throw a rhetorical pixie dust over all the difficult choices inherent in governing and the contradictions of his own program, making them fade into a beguiling vision of a sun-lit post-Bush America. This magical realism sustained him until November 2008 -- but couldn't withstand governing.

Consider Obama's most elemental appeal as a candidate: He excited the base of his own party while winning over the center with talk of "post-partisanship." On the stump, he could maintain this balance. In office, he had to choose either partisanship in the form of his powerful Democratic allies on Capitol Hill, or postpartisanship in the form of concessions to Republicans that would anger and disappoint his own side. He chose Nancy Pelosi, and watched independents flee from him.

On fiscal policy, Obama could promise massive new programs at the same time, in one debate, he asserted his approach would mean "a net spending cut." A laughable contradiction, it wasn't fully exposed until Obama had to write a budget. With $1 trillion deficits now stretching off into the horizon, his answer is appointing a commission to study the matter.

Obama is still the same illusionist from the campaign on his signature health-care initiative. The new $1 trillion entitlement will reduce the deficit. It will insure millions more people while bending the cost curve down. The hundreds of billions of dollars in Medicare cuts will be utterly painless. There's no trade-off or sacrifice in sight, and -- not surprisingly -- people don't believe it.

Obama came to office under fundamental misapprehensions that hamper him still. It's not true that all that was keeping the Israelis and Palestinians apart was the lack of US engagement, or that the Iranians were amenable to getting talked out of their nuclear program, or that Guantanamo Bay was a pointless contrivance.

Nor is it true that government is a sustainable source of economic growth, or a more efficient allocator of capital than the market. This is why Obama's stimulus program -- inevitably, a dog's breakfast of politically driven priorities -- is such a shambles that his aides never utter the word "stimulus" anymore. It is on to the next program, a nearly $100 billion "jobs" bill that reflects the touching belief that to work as intended a program only has to be named appropriately.

Obama's advisers want him to pull out of his downdraft by getting back to campaign mode. It's governance as performance art. He's hosting a bipartisan health-care summit on Feb. 25. Surely, he'll sound great and spin gorgeous webs of fancy -- as the reality gap yawns beneath him. comments.lowry@


Illegal Smile

It's a bit early to define his presidency It's only a year into it.
It's not too early to define how well he has transitioned from the campaign to actually doing the job. I do think he is making a mistake as he continues to try to campaign his way through the job. He even said he is "agnostic" about tax increases for people he promised would never see them. That's not the leadership people want to see, is it?
he isnt doing nayone any favors by rushing all this healthcare BS. Just by being in office he isnt doing anyone any favors except for the lobbists unions and other money grabbing SOB's.

Big P

Well-Known Member
It's not too early to define how well he has transitioned from the campaign to actually doing the job. I do think he is making a mistake as he continues to try to campaign his way through the job. He even said he is "agnostic" about tax increases for people he promised would never see them. That's not the leadership people want to see, is it?

i never see any axietny from him ever during speaches and such

this means he has very high selfesteem

for you to be able to speak broadly to millions of people without any fear or slight nerviousness means he holds himself in such high regard

when he blanket lies all the time without batting an eye, shows that he thinks most people are dumbasses he can trick and hustle, millions of them!!!

he thinks we are all dumbasses specially he thinks his main left wing supporters

are dumbasses

why else would you try to piss on somone and try to tellem its raining?

you know? i wouldnt go up to one of you guys and ask you to trade me your car for my phone

why? cuz i know you wouldnt be dumb enough to do that. for me to attempt somthing like that means i think u may possibly do it. IE your possibly a real dumbass



Well-Known Member
Here is the money quote from Lowry's piece:
Obama sounded as if it were painful new information that had forced an unwelcome adjustment in his worldview. This speaks either to an astonishing historical ignorance (did he not know?) or a stupendous self-regard (did he not care because he thought he was so special?), or both.

IMO it is both.
This is why he has yet to govern with even a scintilla of efficacy.

He has lots to learn, and we will all suffer the consequences.

Joey Biden is so desperate that he claims success in Iraq as rightfully belonging to the Obama administration. Huhhh?

Quite a spectacle!


Well-Known Member
It's a bit early to define his presidency It's only a year into it.
at what point are we allowed to admit the failure of this administration? with a quarter of his presidency pissed away in an attempt to remake the country by digging us into a bottomless pit of debt and encouraging the unrestrained growth of the entitlement mentality of the welfare state, i think we can chalk up this experiment in liberal policy as an unmitigated disaster. the promises of post-partisanship and transparency were broken as soon as the last ballot was counted and the sorry attempt at "listening to the voice of the people" amounted to little more than a publicity stunt, a hunt for those few that agree with the democratic agenda. even with a nearly insurmountable majority in congress, brak has failed to push through the flagship legislation that was to have assured all the people needed medical attention and secured his place in history. well into his second year, our troops are even more firmly entrenched in the middle east and more time has been spent defining the rights of accused terrorists than trying them. iran continues to thumb its nose at a newly conciliatory united states, even though our leader now possesses a coveted nobel prize for his tireless efforts at promoting world peace (or was it for looking good while saying nothing).

just as with any other job, a president is judged from the moment he is sworn in. his duty is to protect not only the people but the spirit of america and it has become obvious that this was never his intention. we elected the "smartest guy in the room" and found ourselves stuck with a lying empty suit, but at least he looks and sounds good.


Well-Known Member
It took a full 4 years to realize how much Dubya screwed up the country & the economy
the "blame it on bush" mentality just doesn't fly any more. every president has had a mess or two to clean up after his predecessor left office, but few have made such a show of it. our problems started long before baby bush took office and this administration is merely compounding the errors of the past.

Illegal Smile

I think it is simple. Like so many of us said, Obama was just a packaged product with no personal qualifications. The plan was for him to sweet talk his way into the office with supermajorities in both houses and huge personal popularity. He did all that. But the next step of the plan was for him to push through legisaltion that would drastically change america forever, and make it non-reversible. Then, by the time we figured it out it would be too late. I contend he never intended to run for a second term.

BUT,...... oops! They didn't count on the opposition to actually speak out. And they figured Obama could at least pretend to lead for a year to get the agenda through. Now his legislative agenda is in a shambles and he is rapidly becoming a laughing stock even for his own liberal media as he fumbles and bumbles. It's like watching a trainwreck.

Man o' the green

Active Member
The flat tire I got yesterday was probably bush's fault too...

I'm sick of hearing excuses :

- inherited
- previous administration
- bush
- last 8 years
- invisible chickens, evil spirits, santa claus

I don't care what the origin of the problem is, fix it.

I officially declare obama responsible for his presidency. Any redirection of blame will now be ridiculed.

This blame makes room for the argument of "it could have been so much worse", which is ridiculous speculation. Most importantly, it doesn't matter who or what is at fault for the situation, this is an evaluation of his decisions so far.
I would agree with the author that this failing presidency is primarily of obama's own making.
The leaders in the democrat party have not helped any either, they have only multiplied the effects of his incompetence.


Active Member
I'm sick of arguing with you retards, so I'm just gonna insult you all instead!

It doesn't really matter what obama does or how things are going. You guys made up your mind long before he took office. The funny part is that while you guys all make him out to be some sort of crazy leftist ideologue, he's actually more centrist and pragmatic than most of the other clowns in DC, republican or democrat.

I never cared much for bush jr.'s politics, but it took 4 years of watching him turn everything into shit before I decided that bitch about him the way you guys do about obama.

What really matters is how things are going for the average american in november of 2011...

Illegal Smile

I'm sick of arguing with you retards, so I'm just gonna insult you all instead!

It doesn't really matter what obama does or how things are going. You guys made up your mind long before he took office. The funny part is that while you guys all make him out to be some sort of crazy leftist ideologue, he's actually more centrist and pragmatic than most of the other clowns in DC, republican or democrat.

I never cared much for bush jr.'s politics, but it took 4 years of watching him turn everything into shit before I decided that bitch about him the way you guys do about obama.

What really matters is how things are going for the average american in november of 2011...
Of course we did. We knew all we needed to know by then. We knew he had no meaningful experience. We knew his pastor of 20 years was all "god damn america." We knew he stole the dem nomination. We knew he was in bed with acorn. We knew that far from a centrist, he was the most liberal person in the senate. We knew his whole background (what we were permitted to see of it) was smattered with his associations with extreme left wing radicals. We knew he was lying through his teeth when he said he would create all these programs and spending but not contribute to the deficit. We knew he was lying about taxes. We knew he wouldn't take the terrorist threat against america seriously. Need I go on?

So of course we hoped he would fail. And while Obama's change and hope lies crumbled in the dirt, our hope came true!


Well-Known Member
Of course we did. We knew all we needed to know by then. We knew he had no meaningful experience. We knew his pastor of 20 years was all "god damn america." We knew he stole the dem nomination. We knew he was in bed with acorn. We knew that far from a centrist, he was the most liberal person in the senate. We knew his whole background (what we were permitted to see of it) was smattered with his associations with extreme left wing radicals. We knew he was lying through his teeth when he said he would create all these programs and spending but not contribute to the deficit. We knew he was lying about taxes. We knew he wouldn't take the terrorist threat against america seriously. Need I go on?

So of course we hoped he would fail. And while Obama's change and hope lies crumbled in the dirt, our hope came true!
you base your opinion on media propaganda. lies and distortion. the country is in a perilous crisis, and you hope for failure. you are a disgraceful american. and no, you and your ilk need not go on.