Is this a fungus or mold on my White Widdow? [PICS]


Active Member
I'm a new grower and I've completely run into many of the same mistakes that many other new growers seem to be having, over-babing and just generally mothering my plants too much.

But recently, within the past 2-3 days as my white widdow has been maturing it's gotten this. The top trichoms (the large white pistols right?) seemed to have been shrinking, or almost compacting and becoming this hard white thing. It almost looks like male clusters, in that they're kind of bunchy and berry like.

So what the hell is going on? It seems to have started on one plant, but I've noticed the others are doing it as well.

What seems to be accompanied with this, is a strange browning of the inner leafs, it almost looks like an emboss effect on the leafs.

I've included some high-res pictures, hopefully someone can shed some light.


