is this a male? HELP!

so one of my little girls has flowers on bottom nodes but newer growth on the plant has what it looks like little balls i really cant tell and could use some help from someone who knows there stuff Thanks!



New Member
u sure they r hairs and not just thin leaves
get a pic off hairs but i doubt it is a hermie sure it is full blown male and yes get it out off there quick

they have little hairs lower but i shuld chop it so it dosnt f up the other girls?


New Member
well u are right it does have hairs so it hermied but it is so young i think it will just be loaded with seeds i would kill it
if it hermied late in flower i would finish it separate if i could but in your case not worth it for some seeded bud
remove now if u havent already

CSI Stickyicky

Well-Known Member
Ahh, nuts. Literally. Fucking manly plant nuts. The plant in that pic is a dude, or at least a hermie. Sorry for your loss.