is this good soil??????


Active Member

    will that work well? or do i need something else to get started with the seedling??? im germinating now with paper towels cup and water in dark place then as soon as it sprouts i transfer to soil in pot make sure the PH is 6.8-7 then go into the 18/6 light cycle??? thanks alot in advance! and what is the temp in the box should be at? i have a 4x2x2 box airtight with fan and extractor 250 watt HPS also what humidity should i shoot for and how do i decrease or increase it ??? thanks again!​



Well-Known Member
I believe it is time release which I would never use or recommend. If you want fairly cheap soil your best bet would be to go to the hydro store and choose one from there. When it comes to soil Happy frog or Ocean forest is very good. There are plenty of good soils at a hydro store and all reasonably priced IMO. That Scotts soil you put up says it feeds for up to 4 months which isn't a good thing especially for indoor. Happy frog or Ocean forest will have enough Nutrients to last 2-3 weeks. When I used it I would let it go about a week then started feeding it lightly for about a week then went full after that. Do you have Nutrients you plan on using? Is there anyway you can go somewhere besides a major building supply store? If not I would try finding one that at least doesn't have time release nutrients in it.


Well-Known Member
Well. More questions than I originally noticed. Ph for soil I believe is 6.3-6.8 or so(anywhere in that range is adequate). After they show their root I put them in a grow cube then put them in Coco. You will be fine just putting them straight to soil. I don't give nutrients for at least a couple weeks because the seeds have enough to get them going. You have an airtight box? That's your Veg/Flowering room? Don't put that HPS very close to the seeds at all. I never have seeds under anything but small t5 lights which I leave at least 12-18 inches above so that 250 you would prob want 2-3 feet above at least if it is air cooled(if not 3-4 I would assume because they don't need much light). Humidity in veg is 50-60 I believe and flowering is 40-50. My room I always keep right at 50% humidity and temp at 83 degrees because I have co2. If you don't have co2 I believe 76 degrees would be perfect. I use an air conditioner and Dehumidifier to keep my humidity right. For temp I use the Air conditioner/inlet fan/ and another inline fan I have running through my lights to the outside to keep my room/lights cool.


Well-Known Member
Yeah Soil is cheap altogether. I don't understand using that stuff in their soil. Does that stuff look appealing and sell easier to grandmas? IDK but a bag of Happy frog or Ocean forest is about 11 dollars. If you aren't planning on using a LOT it is the way to go.


Well-Known Member
a bag of peat, a cube of perlite, and some bags of worm castings, greensand, bone, kelp, etc., etc., and you can fill your living room with soil for less than the price of 5 bags of FF. doesn't anyone own a manure fork anymore? :)


Well-Known Member
I don't like using soil anyway. Coco all the way(brick of coco and a big bag of perlite costs me 25$ and it makes 35 gallons). If I did make Soil it would be perlite and peat. Added nutrients aren't need with how much people spend on Nutrient lines. If you are going all organic then I completely agree. This guy really needed to give more info on if he has a nutrient line etc.


Well-Known Member
lol Maybe....Can usually pick it up on sale for $5.98. When it is on sale I stock up. I usually add some things to it and grow all organic but can just go straight lamberts but will need to topfeed after 2 weeks.