Is This It?


Active Member
well ok im new very new and i have a question i recently dug up my plants so that i cound change the pots to bigger ones and i noticed that the top part of my roots were dried up... so what i did was replant them a lil bit deeper so that the dry part which was originally under the dirt is even more deeper and then i added water the plants look good but the 1 st set of leaves is starting to dry up... now what i wanted to ask was is this gonna kill my plants and what can i do about it.. please help

my plants are about 2 to 4 inches tall and look pretty good except for that problem

this is the one with the crumpled looking leaves on the sides

idk whats wrong with this one the 2 leaves are kinda brownish and dryish ...



Active Member
usually the first set of leaves will die off sometime anyway pics would help but you should be fine what kinda soil and everything are you usin


Well-Known Member
you dug up???

I hope you mean you carefully , eased the plants out of the old pots and gently put them into their new homes?

If you have disturbed the roots too much then it can fuck your plants.


Active Member
you dug up???

I hope you mean you carefully , eased the plants out of the old pots and gently put them into their new homes?

If you have disturbed the roots too much then it can fuck your plants.

what if i did it all carefully but i washed the roots off?
the water wasn't neither too hot or cold


Well-Known Member
you watered it to much, let them dry under the lights for about 3-4 days before watering.