is this mix to hot??????????????


Well-Known Member
i bought sum premixed dirt from the local flower store this is wat it has in it im not sure bout measuements perlite,peat moss, compost glacier gold, triple superphosphate, microma micronutrients, calcium nitrate, potassium nittrate, dolomite, and lime. they told me they grow all there plants in this stuff will this work??? or should i stray away from using this. im in the veg phase. please help:bigjoint:


Active Member
im not an expert by any means but it seems like a better flowering mix then a veg. i guess you can try it and see lol. if your scared if it will burn you can cut it with some coco coir. i just did a bit of research and decided to go with roots organic soil. roots is the company. fox farm ocean forest seems to be available almost everywhere. good luck.


Well-Known Member
Yeah sounds like it'd be better for flower.

The most important thing to note about growing in premixed soil with nutrients, is pH. A lot of soils are for outdoor plants in a flower bed, so the nutrients are meant to spread out and mix with ground soil. If you aren't careful, you will have quite a headache dealing with your soil pH. Like a big fucking headache.

Mr Bomb

Active Member
Dont treat your soil like dirt. Use Foxfarm Ocean Forest and Light Warrior mixed 60%-40% in favor of the Ocean Forest.