is this normal for 4 weeks in flowering? pics pics


Well-Known Member
I think its nutrient burn. You may not be adding too much, but if you are growing in soil it may already be at its full holding capacity for nutrients. If your plant isn't using all of the nutrients you're feeding it, they will remain in the soil. If you keep on the same feeding schedule this excess will build up and eventually burn your plants. I don't think it's heat stress, if it were, it would be really bad at the top of the plant and less damage at the bottom. Looks like its pretty much all over. I would just feed with plain water for a couple weeks, can't really hurt. If you've been feeding regularly I doubt its a deficiency. I would say there is a 40% chance its the heat and a 60% chance its the nutes. There's my two cents anyway.
i think your right. i should just chill. the soil looks like clay


Well-Known Member
I'd guess over-fed and too high temps. So you give it food to produce when the plants telling itself to start using the built up nutes from the grow . . . and then, in nature anyway, the temps would start lowering at natural harvest time, perhaps?
I've read several times that a 15*F drop while the lights are out is acceptable.
Those canoe-ing leaves may be too close to your source.
thanks for your input


Well-Known Member
lol, clay soil is hard to grow in, the roots take a long time to spread out because of how compact it gets and shit.


Well-Known Member
Looks to me like a mg deficiency… I don’t know for sure, but the tips are prying. Sometimes if you give the plants to much of one thing it will cause that deficiency, so what they will cause is the plant, although you think you are keeping it on a general cycle, to lock up. Just don’t feed and give regular ph balanced water for now and that will fix it….probably


Active Member
the curling....

im pretty sure it's not calcium or magnesium
Yeh i dont think its calcium or magnesium either. That is a big fluctuation in temperature and its too hot during the day. keep it around 80 day 10 12 less at night. It could be some other nutrient deficiency. but the tips look like nute burn your ph might be off. Make sure your ph is balanced.


New Member
lil to big for 4 weeks dont worrry about the leafs changing colors you will know when know fan leafs are welted away and fallenoff then you harvest but dont forget to flush


New Member
mag leaves spots not on the corners but maybe too much heat. and no fresh air
Looks to me like a mg deficiency… I don’t know for sure, but the tips are prying. Sometimes if you give the plants to much of one thing it will cause that deficiency, so what they will cause is the plant, although you think you are keeping it on a general cycle, to lock up. Just don’t feed and give regular ph balanced water for now and that will fix it….probably


Well-Known Member
i doubt the temp. because my room goes from max 74, to about 60 at night. it could just be its time to be pulled... but who knows try to get more tips before ya harvest


Well-Known Member
i doubt the temp. because my room goes from max 74, to about 60 at night. it could just be its time to be pulled... but who knows try to get more tips before ya harvest
maybe mid 80's was a bit high. more to low 80's


Well-Known Member
i swear that's like impossible i only feed them nutes every 3 days and i use gal amounts in 5 gal pots my other plants are having the same issue leaves getting crispy and dry

Your problem is that must flush your plants with a MILD nute solution, you're probably experiencing lock-out from too much salt build up.


Well-Known Member
lockout IMO - check your PH levels

your temps vary a lot but thats nothing a plant in the wild cannot handle, so I doubt temps are your problem