Is this normal?!


Well-Known Member
On day 20 since sprout, just transplanted my baby from a 1.5 gallon pot to a 2 1/2 or 3 gallon pot (not sure but around there). I have two problems both shown in the pictures below. My first set of serrated leaves that grew in are starting to turn yellow and on one of my fan leaves there is a single yellow spot. Could this be because I ripped one of my roots during transplant (the roots were growing through the bottom of the pot and i had no choice :evil:), but the root ball was quite intact during the transplant. It's been 2 days since transplant and my plant seems healthy but I wanted to make sure she looks ok :confused:.....



New Member
older leaves on plants yellow and die, it's natural.

I did notice that there are drops of water on the leaves, you need to shake those off. Those drops will magnify the light and can cause burnt spots on the leaves.


Well-Known Member
older leaves on plants yellow and die, it's natural.

I did notice that there are drops of water on the leaves, you need to shake those off. Those drops will magnify the light and can cause burnt spots on the leaves.
Ewwwwww.....thanks for the tip man! Everything else look healthy?


Well-Known Member
looks good to me. Just keep those water droplets off those leaves..... :weed: bongsmilie
So like I said before the first set of serrated leaves were dying (now they are dead), the next set of leaves that came after the ones that just did are turning yellow quick and dying. Is it normal for the leaves to die in the order they came in and this fast! The first full set of 5 leaves are also not as green as the new growth coming in (above and below) I being paranoid?!