is this ok to use kinda dont ant to kil my plant

this shits called superthrive its all double my money back guarantee to work on any plant saying its been proven on billions of plants and also won science industry gold medal at the world fair



Well-Known Member
sure, i hear of people here using it. make sure you look on here to figure out how much to give and when and do not go by the directions on the package, their directions are usually too strong for cannabis growing.


Well-Known Member
I use 1 drop in a litre, its super concentrated.
Its a must for cloneing, transplanting and general health.


Well-Known Member
my buddy was told by the local hydroponic store owner its great for vegging because it'll make the plants metabolism work harder, it'll reproduce cells faster and will be able to photosynthesis more. Its Alot of B vitamins and plant hormones BUT not to use it during flowering. He said when the plants flowering thats what you want it to concentrate on doing, flowering. He said the super thrive will make the plant do things it doesn't necessarily need to be doing. ex. repairing nitrogen for growth

I didn't really understand this but hes NEVER steered him wrong and he sold this to him over a more expensive product.