Is this plant

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
Is this plant male? I'm 4 days into 12/12, about 5.5 weeks since germination. Here are three views...

Any/All input is appreciated!


Well-Known Member
WAIT. did you top them or lst? i see one single one, no clusters.... if you see others forming around it then its a male, one could shoot a hair. 3-5 days more

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
WAIT. did you top them or lst? i see one single one, no clusters.... if you see others forming around it then its a male, one could shoot a hair. 3-5 days more
No topping or lst. In the first pic it kind of looks like a second ball is clustering by the first :sad: . There are similar balls developing at virtually all the nodes, so I don't think its a good sign.

Oh well, I knew there would be some. Hopefully the girls are just taking their time to hit puberty!


Well-Known Member
Guys chill out! That could be a begininning of a pistil, chill on it dude for atleast a week or so unless you want to kill a possible female......or hermie!

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
Guys chill out! That could be a begininning of a pistil, chill on it dude for atleast a week or so unless you want to kill a possible female......or hermie!
Thanks wise--I'm not doing anything with it quite yet, I will certainly be giving a couple days at least. I have 3 now of 11 with these similarly developing sex organs...but I'm remaining positive that males show sex first, meaning I've got 8 females if these three do turn out to be guys, so its all good!

Thanks everyone for your input...I'll throw up a couple more pics today/tomorrow as they mature a little and we'll figure it out


Well-Known Member
Yea, Just wait. I had 6 plants. I thought 3 of them were male. I waited 3 days and they popped hairs. Just give it a couple.

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
Well, not looking good I'm afraid...

So there you have it...starting to form little clusters at various nodes, so I think its a bust. I have two more doing similar things, not quite as developed, but I'm thinking they'll get like this in a day or two.

Good news though! I may have identified my first females today! No pics yet, but maybe by the end of the day I'll throw a couple up if the hairs are visible!

Thanks for your help all!


Well-Known Member
Neither of those plants have shown sex yet bud.

I have two plants right now getting ready to give me 2 oz each.

The reason I have two? I listened to 1 guy tell me to wait when 25 others wrote the late bloomer off as a male.

Bottom line is, even if it is male, it won't release any pollen for at least the next 2 days. Why not give it 12-18 hours and take a closer look then?

edit: Nevermind, the last one is a fem.



Well-Known Member
Looks like u have a million dollar family, 1 boy and 1 girl :hump:

Hang tight and make sure of what you got before you sacrifice the dude :hump:

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
Looks like u have a million dollar family, 1 boy and 1 girl :hump:

Hang tight and make sure of what you got before you sacrifice the dude :hump:
Thanks everyone for you're input. I ended up trashing 5 males thus far (out of 11) with I think one more nearing the chopping block.

I gave them as long as I could, but they just kept growing balls! Oh well, I've got some girls still so its all good. It just sucks because the males were my best looking plants! All of them were getting really big and had nice node spacing and would have turned into some killer bud...if only they didn't have balls!:leaf:


i hav similar problem but im only in week 6 of veg do dey show dis early or am i wrong wit my dates. 5 plants on da go 1 is showing signs of pistils 4 hav wat looks like flowers on nodes and 1 like ur pic