Is This Shit A Pipe?

Got a pipe from grasscity, looks alright and hits alright, but when I burned to the side of the bowl just to see what would happen a big ass chemically smell came and the glass smelled like that

is that just because its new or is it made of shit quality stuff had a sharpie like smell definitely not the weed.


Well-Known Member
I never had that happen even with new glass I would ditch it no good on the lung im sure

Jakabok Botch

Well-Known Member
clean it and try again (rubbing alcohol usually works nice on glass make sure its dry/washed out before you light)


Well-Known Member
i was hoping for some super cool super stealth pipe, lol, but anyway, i dont know why it did that or what it means but i do know ive never had that happen with any glass pipes ive ever bought.