Is trimming fan leaves off buds OK or not?


Well-Known Member
Here is a synopsis of a meta-research article (article about research done) on the subject at hand...
last lines "This Synopsis paper, is a consensus of opinions compiled in the Overgrow Growing Consensus forum." 2002.

key word is "opinion" from overgrow.

you know what they say " opinions are like assholes........everyone's got one"

heres another one "you can't teach an old dog new tricks"

one more " it's my party.... I'll do want I want too"

cheers itsme.



Well-Known Member
Funny. Thunderbunny as citied, by Nietzsche, 03.13.2002 is not what I call research.


Well-Known Member
nice plants im not saying that removing the leaves will kill your plant the plant will always try and compensate maybe even give you a growth spurt i would like to see what the THC/CBD % or those vs a plant with the fan leaves till then ill stick to DR Rosenthal. and i doupt itll double your harvest because then it would be common practice
i very much doubt it would double any harvest too not sure where you got that idea from
i also like DR Ed , well he is better than hippy Jorge anyway

I am not looking for disciples or followers
I would only encourage others to experiment and learn from their success and mistakes this approach imo empowers the individual grower

i am quite happy to run with my own ideas some work some don't i enjoy the experimentation

if i were to offer you any advice it would be at some point you need to put the grow books down and get stuck in and get some real experience
have faith in yourself and your own ideas you really do not need Ed's permission to experiment on your own plants

good luck


Well-Known Member
This bush had more than 50% of its leaves removed and was topped multiple times before flower
it also had much of the lower growth removed
for me it improves the amount of colas and yield it is the best way i have found to grow larger floppy vine like kush plants

not sure what Ed would say. i think he would like it :)

6 weeks

8 weeks



This bush had more than 50% of its leaves removed and was topped multiple times before flower
it also had much of the lower growth removed
for me it improves the amount of colas and yield it is the best way i have found to grow larger floppy vine like kush plants

not sure what Ed would say. i think he would like it :)

6 weeks

8 weeks

Nice plants! Is this grown in soil?


Well-Known Member
There are two plants in a NFT hydro grow tank
they yielded 23 oz together most of the yield came from 1 large plant bit hard to see from the pic as they directly in line with each other



There are two plants in a NFT hydro grow tank
they yielded 23 oz together most of the yield came from 1 large plant bit hard to see from the pic as they directly in line with each other

Right on, I'm growing hydro right now and I noticed that trimming in hydro (especially during veg) causes them to bounce back to recover from the damages. I'd trim them and a day in a halp later they would be more bushy than before the trim. And even in flower they respond rather well. And generally recovering much faster from stress than in soil. I don't have any research to point at to back this up other than this being an observation I've made by playing with it.


Well-Known Member
Go with what works for you in your own environment
progress often starts from an idea that may seem nonsensical to some people
some folk would rather wait for others to succeed or fail or wait for peer reviewed journals before they would undertake an experiment

This can be hard for newbies, they start off with good intentions and follow the teachings of Ed or Jorge
problems arise because many of these grow books are simply full of the authors OPINIONS not facts or even correct botanical knowledge
also both Ed and Jorge do not have a clue about hydroponics their books are full of classic hippy myths
i think maybe these grow books is where many newbies get their obsession with "stress" and "hermies" from along with all the
black and white preconceived ideas they have without actual real world experience

fruit farmers lol go water your pear tree or something


Well-Known Member
I have learned if you don't try new ways to do things then your left far behind. there are a shit load of people out there starting growing I would have to guess 80 % of them quit if there trying to do it for a living. because they read old data . or learn from the old dog that does it for only personal use. I need to keep up with the big boys and maximize the yield on every single grow. I cant afford to burn the light bill if they don't produce . the old bucks say never trim fan leaves even , there are new books being written today in 2014 that will make the 1970 data garbage. so you do what you like don't trim or trim. don't super crop, l or top. and be left behind. my opinion only. not saying im correct, im just saying things and ways of doing things change every day. what if your dentist did not want to change and you had to use that old spit jar instead of the tube sucker they have today ? lol growing is the same.