Isopropyl Alcohol and High Times in the UK


So I just spent 2 hours walking into almost every shop in my city looking for shops that sell high times or some iospropyl alcohol.

Apparently all the head shops have stopped selling the magazine and all the high street stores thought I was after a surfing magazine. Pharmcies have also stopped selling isopropyl alcohol because a bunch of retards wanted to try drinking it and the only place iI could find some was in computer stores and was way overpriced. I ended up buying some surgical spirit and was wondering if this would be safe to make hash with (see pics).

So, does anyone know where I can find the latest issue of high times or where I can find some isopropyl alcohol if the surgical spirit isn't ok? (norfolk area).

+rep for everyone that can help.



Well-Known Member
Can you buy the high times magazine directly from their online site?

And is there any way possible for you to buy isopropyl alcohol online, or maybe from ebay?

Just a thought ...hmmmm


good idea about ebay. thanks, i'll check it out. + rep to you. The high times site say allow 4 - 8 weeks for delivery though, so it's kind of pointless. I would have read most of it online by then.


Well-Known Member
Prevents bedsores??????? Gross who the hell needs that shit? You never leave your bed lol, i dont get it.

Why were they drinking that shit? Around here you can get the alcohol(and hi times for that matter) almost anyplace ie;drug store, party store, gas station etc

i wouldnt use that stuff fasho. Im positive you can buy some 91% iso somewhere near you, keep looking and use the bed sore stuff on your butt. Lol


Well-Known Member
Grocery stores, pharmacies, anywhere that sells first aid supplies, walmart, target ... isopropyl alcohol


ok, so I just bought some isopropyl alcohol on ebay but can anyone help me find high times, may in norfolk, england or somewhere I can order with quick delivery.


Well-Known Member
Wow. Running around the pharmacy with my mother, she wants disinfectant and I had a look for Iso, but true... It's not being sold anywhere. I'm checking the medical supply store a few miles away.