It is July 1st, is it too late too plant baby clones outdoors in the MIDWEST


Well-Known Member
is there a way to know how tall their gonna get???
Yes, but its from experience with this strain and the size pot/food etc. It's like how much will a plant yeild too mant unknown factors to consider. Just keep it healthy. generally indicas will not get tall like maybe 8-12 feet sativas can go crazy tall 18 feet is common.


Active Member
I put two 5-6" clones out fir veg 2 weeks ago in 2gal smartpots (after 2 weeks of rooting) and they are almost a foot tall now! They love the intense summer sun! Just harden off well and water when needed. Mine are barely syarting to preflower already though (mother is preflowering too), hoping for an ounce or more combined