It sucks being a newbie


Active Member
Well I killed the last of my plants this weekend ... not sure if it was too much water or not. This was my second try and I think I'm going to leave the growing up to you with green thumbs ...



Active Member
Well I killed the last of my plants this weekend ... not sure if it was too much water or not. This was my second try and I think I'm going to leave the growing up to you with green thumbs ...

yeah im pretty much in the same boat but i killed my plants from my first grow like thursday or friday. its ok i just germinated 4 more seeds and am starting over


Well-Known Member
There are two kinds of noobs. The ones that learn from their mistakes and the ones that quit. Ease up on the feeding next time. This shit really isn't that hard. Green thumb, my ass. I can't even keep my fucking lawn green.


Active Member
If your in compost run a wet/dry cycle. You gotta let the compost nearly completely dry out before watering again (not so much to cause the compost to come away from he pot). Then you can't really overwater if you drain your excess from the pot. To know if the pot is dry, test the weight of a dry pot. Lift it up all the time to see what it weighs. A week doing that and you should know what a dry pot feels like. :)

That should solve your watering problems. Once a pot is full of rootmass it should need watering every few days depending on the size of the pot, conditions in the room and so on. If you test the weight of the pot it's unlikely you'll kill plants through overwatering.

don juan de pappi

Well-Known Member
Yeah, aint that the truth about a green lawn? I can not imagine what my lawn would look like if I spend as much time with my lawn as I do my babies!


Well-Known Member
Well I killed the last of my plants this weekend ... not sure if it was too much water or not. This was my second try and I think I'm going to leave the growing up to you with green thumbs ...

yeah im pretty much in the same boat but i killed my plants from my first grow like thursday or friday. its ok i just germinated 4 more seeds and am starting over
I think you are making it harder than it really is. Hell, some people grow successfully with tap water and soil. Keep it simple guys and fine tune it from there. Like cr8z said..."ease up on the feeding"

An engine needs - Fuel, Air, Spark
Mary needs - Light, Water, Air


Well-Known Member
you didn't read enough. My first grow was great! I got 3.5 ounces using 12 cfl's in a rubbermaid box. I just read for a couple of weeks before I started and I was golden. Read up some more, use soil with no nutes and use a quality fertilizer.