Its getting close to that time...

Well I took a break from the green thumb for work and classes but this year I plan on giving it another go. Last time was a small test run but this time i wanna try to step it up with fox farm nutes and soil. Did a lil research and took some notes seems easy enough for the most part and with the help with you guys i should do find. With that said i would love you guys honest opinion on this. Do you think fox farm is good start off route? Thanks and advance guys!:peace:
How do you plan on growing? Bags, holes, etc? I recommend using pro mix in holes with amendments like bat guano, triple phosphate, blood meal and bone meal for fertilizer. Then use soil moist with vermiculite and pearlite for water retention and drainage.


Fox Farms products are excellent. Use Happy Frog to start clones or seeds and Ocean Forest for any longer term planting. The micchorizae (sp?) will really give the plants a good start that will help through the rest of the plants life. It is a fungus that attaches to the roots and somehow stimulates growth.

I have done a side by side comparison with Happy Frog and Super Soil from Home Depot. The seeds in the Happy Frog passed up the plants in the Super Soil and the ones in the Super Soil never caught up even though I transplanted them to Happy Frog a few weeks later. This year I plan to add extra micchorizae to the soil. I have a package of small packets of micchorizae in folded paper. I will put one under each plant. I may also get some additional micchorizae to throw in the holes.

FYI. I usually add Guano and a few other things to the soil. McClellans, Roots Organic and Vermisoil (the Vermitea makers) make good soil products that would compare to FF products as well.