Its impossible to score weed around here

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Well-Known Member
Seriously man, the only dealers i know around here are never around when i call, and the guy i bought from last time sold me shit for such a high price but i wanted to get high so bad i had to do it, anyone else been having this problem?

Skate Hawaii

Well-Known Member
haha good weed but pricey. its easy to find a good paying job though.

sorry all you guys who have to suffer with schwag.


Well-Known Member
yea im having this problem...i just wanna get high!!! is that to much to ask:cry:
dont know what part of oz you are from ,but just grow enough to keep you happy ,these days is seems easier to score eckys, speed ,o rock etc than weed .
i dont have trouble scoring it if i chose to buy some ,as i am old with lots of fellow smokers as mates.
but i used to always hassle to score in the 70,s , and used to drive fucking miles searching for the shit.
now i just grow my own ,give my mates some and they do the return when they have a harvest. it has taken me years to get to this point ,i am 52 , and well remember ,the days i used to be pissed off ,and always searching ,you have to keep your self supplied , it takes a while but once you are in front ,you can even swap oscars with folk to have a change in chuff:peace:good luck on the search for weed.
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