~I've heard of using a fish aquarium~


Active Member
About 4 years back, one of my freinds told me about a hydroponic fish tank. He said that it was full of water and the plants were sitting on top of the water, beside the water filter. I was just wondering if anyone has ever heard of this...or knows how to do it? I can't find anything anywhere about it.

Also He told me that he spliced a tomato plant with one of his home grown and the tomatoes had thc in them by harvest time. You think that's true too?


Active Member
how do youuse the rock wool>? its just a big square....with a hole ....do i just germinate the seed and set it in the hole?....do i put soil in the hole etc.....
what the fuck do i do>?:confused:


Well-Known Member
how about still havin fish in the tank, maybe they would fertilize while eating bad bacteria or some shit. just a hairbrained scheme.


Active Member
Hi, a while back I came across this page aquaculture and fish farming aquaponics and hydroponics. Been a while since I read it but I think it has what you are looking for..might just wanna scale it down abit..)
This PDF file has some more stuff WITH instructions on how to build your very own: http://www.eurohydro.com/pdf/articles/gb_aquaponics.pdf

Dutchy H

Couldn't get the last link to show up in the window. Just getting a blank web page.

Thank you much guys.

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
About 4 years back, one of my freinds told me about a hydroponic fish tank. He said that it was full of water and the plants were sitting on top of the water, beside the water filter. I was just wondering if anyone has ever heard of this...or knows how to do it? I can't find anything anywhere about it.

Also He told me that he spliced a tomato plant with one of his home grown and the tomatoes had thc in them by harvest time. You think that's true too?
Ok, I did see a video on this once. I can not find it yet though. But it was a easy system to build. I will search more for video tomorrow.

List of items as I remember.

10 gallon tank
air pump
air stones
2 1/2" blue styrene ridged insultaion
Panda Film
3" net pots

Here is how it is done. Take the 10 gallon square aquarium. You need to take something like Panda film to cover the outside of the glass with to keep all light out of the water.

Cut blue ridged insulation board so it fits inside the tank. tight enough to keep out most all of the light, but loose enough so it can float freely. Then cut holes in the blue board so 4 of your net pots fit nicely inside of it. Set aside.

Next run a bead of caulk up one of the corners of your tank, run you air hose up this corner, dip your finger is ISO alch, and use it to smooth out the calk, and remove extra. Let sit over night.

Next day, secure air stones in bottom of tank. Once this is done, PLACE BLUE BOARD inside take, if you do not do it before adding water, you will have trouble. So place blue board in tank, fill with good water, add nuts, PH. place Net pots in holes, add medium, add plants.. Walla.. a fish tank that grows Buds...


Active Member
When I get that cash flow up..i'll run out and get some of that stuff. I already have the tank. But average pay sucks.....


oh..thankyou for the help and I can't wait to try this.:-D


Well-Known Member
i've done something similar before. i used a 55 gallon aquarium to grow 8 tomato plants. I used 432 watt vho t5 and a hydro drip system above the fish. The fish tank was just supplying the nutrients. I placed a control plant outside in soil for comparison purposes, and that really didnt exist. Organic hydroponics is the shit.

P.S. You will never have a cleaner fish tank.