ive searched but nothing definitive "how much azatrol for a 24oz spray bottle" +rep


Well-Known Member
1gal water= 128 fl oz.... Take your recommended amount from the package and ratio out that bad boy. say 50ml per gallon (example) so 50ml/128oz= .39ml/oz....now take this .39ml/oz x 24oz=9.36ml ..... just use your rec amount inplace of my 50ml


Well-Known Member
ive searched but nothing definitive "how much azatrol for a 24oz spray bottle" +rep

ive searched but nothing definitive "how much azatrol for a 24oz spray bottle" +rep given thanks​

here is a simple answer to your question to avoid simple math. ;) just use the recommended dosage and fill it into 1 gallon of water and mix it thoroughly, then for the most complex and tedious part here, haha jk.....now....take the gallon of water+azatrol and pour it into your 24 oz spray bottle till its full and bam.... there you go it has already been proportioned out and thus you now have the right amount for 24 oz :) have fun!!


Active Member
too confusing but thanks anyone else
I used to use 1oz - 3 oz per gallon. I would stay on the lighter side of the usage of it unless you know whats going on. So you would need around a 1/5of that for 24 oz spray bottle. So put in 7ml in a that spray bottle or 30ml per gallon.


little late, but i looked up what the company recommends for 'medium' mite infestation two days ago, and it said 8 % azatrol/water solution. i got a half gallon orange juice container out of the recycle and added 1 tbsp azatrol. dunked plants. seem to be heavily cleansed and happy. company site said to do it every 7 days til all mites are gone.