Jackass 3d Stunt Sample

Doobie Doober

Active Member
Here is a stunt that bam margera stated that he would be doing in the new jackass 3d.

"One of the stunts Bam Margera stated he intended to film was entitled "The Worst Wake-up in the World" in which himself and Ryan Dunn would wake up Bam's fellow friend Brandon Novak with "Defibrillators, then urinate onto his face, throw flour on him to cake the urine, punch him in each eye, and then release six vampire bats into the room, and lock the door".

Pretty wierd. Mabey they will make one of them eat there own shit too.


Active Member
rofl lmfao thier trying thier best to go sicker than dirty sanchezz, i prefered jackass cuz it was always funny not realy sick

Johnney Herbz

Active Member

Wow this is gonna be the most fucked up stupidest funniest shits ever if a bunch of crap like that happens.

If you use a defibrillator on someone who's heart is beating doesn't that make it stop...? Pretty sure it does. So either they are faking it or they are gonna use a really low voltage?


Well-Known Member
wouldent Defibrillators have a chance of killing the person? im just sayin in that situation fucking with the heart rate may be the straw that killed the camle


Well-Known Member
I quit watching jackass about the same time I left middle school.

seriously though, jackass 3d? What's with all these lame 3d movie ideas? no better then that 3d dance movie.