jacked by squirrels


Well-Known Member
wow never know they liked it. the squirrels in the tree at my house took off some branches and the funny part is right in front of me dont know why they did it just took it and ran should i worry about it chewing the whole thing down this close? im thinking evil things on the little bugger, he could have just waited and i would have blazed with him after harvest if it asked but this means war


Well-Known Member
May I sugguest something in the 12 guage range? But a pellet gun would work to. Just wouldn't be as dramatic.


Active Member
lol that suck balls dude. go to the garden center and get some inclosed tomato cages/ chicken wire. and just wrap it around your plant and then cut a section of the wire and zip-tie it to the top and there you go... no more squirrel problems.... just make sure you anchor it into the ground good.


Well-Known Member
i would have to say on that one go big or go home Barrett M82A1A leave no evidence but 2 g to kill a squirrel is over kill


Well-Known Member
Squirrels used to play hell with me. Every damn time I would put a small plant in a 1-gallon container, it would not be long before I would look out the window and see the little buggers digging in the container. They left the larger containers alone so I learned to keep my younger plants inside under lights until I could transplant them to 3-gallons.

I figured they saw me fucking around and thought I left something for them in the smaller containers.


Well-Known Member
i would have to say on that one go big or go home Barrett M82A1A leave no evidence but 2 g to kill a squirrel is over kill, sounds like a plant but this ones is like a ninja the guy a cross from my house has a i insane set up to try to keep them from his bird feeders and every year he fails the thing is smart ass hell only take him a day or 2 to gut past it would make a sweet partner in crime tho my garden gets it the most plant something and a bit later its dug up and peanuts are left