Jérôme Hamon: Frenchman gets 'third face' in new transplant


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The first person in the world to receive two facial transplants says he is feeling well,

three months after his latest groundbreaking operation.

Jérôme Hamon had his first transplanted face removed last year after signs of rejection

following a treatment with an incompatible antibiotic during a cold.

The 43 year old remained in a hospital in Paris without a face for two months

while a compatible donor was sought.

He said: "The first [face] I accepted immediately. This time it's the same."

Mr Hamon suffers from neurofibromatosis type 1, a genetic condition

that caused severe disfiguring tumours on his face.

His first transplant, in 2010, was a success, but he caught a common cold in 2015 and was given antibiotics.

The drug was incompatible with the immunosuppressive treatment

he was having to prevent a rejection of the transplanted material.

The first signs of rejection came in 2016 and last November, the face,

suffering from necrosis, had to be removed.
