Jman's perpetual (attempted)organic LED and T5 HO grow.


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Hello, everybody. Welcome to my journal for going self sufficient from the black market. This will be my 3rd indoor grow, not a novice, but certainly not an expert, but I'll do my best to answer any questions I can. Most everything I've gotten is from RIU itself, or a few other online gardening forums. If you are into organics, or would like to know more about them, I would suggest going over to the Organics thread, or reading Teaming with Microbes by Jeff Lowenfels and Wayne Lewis. I am running a Blackstar Chrome 6 spot for my 4x4x7 flower room with a purple sativa pheno of bubblegum from Nirvana, which I have dubbed Pinky, and a Diesel from a previous season's outdoor grow that has a lime scent to it. I have a 4 bulb T5 HO in my 2x4x5 veg/clone/mother cab with mothers of these two strains going, an A13 fem plant from seed, a random, early sex showing, early frost, early scented random bagseed that is Indica dom, and my first ever online order of seeds with 6 Sin City Dream n Sour, 1 Positronics Jack Diesel, and one HSO Blue Dream, (both of thsoe are fem.) I'll be getting a Caramelo tomorrow if I can wake up on time to go get it.

I will post pics later, right now this is to get thread started and a link will be provided to my current journal to see the progress that's been made so far, but this will be the new place that it is updated.


Well-Known Member
Hello, everybody. Welcome to my journal for going self sufficient from the black market. This will be my 3rd indoor grow, not a novice, but certainly not an expert, but I'll do my best to answer any questions I can. Most everything I've gotten is from RIU itself, or a few other online gardening forums. If you are into organics, or would like to know more about them, I would suggest going over to the Organics thread, or reading Teaming with Microbes by Jeff Lowenfels and Wayne Lewis. I am running a Blackstar Chrome 6 spot for my 4x4x7 flower room with a purple sativa pheno of bubblegum from Nirvana, which I have dubbed Pinky, and a Diesel from a previous season's outdoor grow that has a lime scent to it. I have a 4 bulb T5 HO in my 2x4x5 veg/clone/mother cab with mothers of these two strains going, an A13 fem plant from seed, a random, early sex showing, early frost, early scented random bagseed that is Indica dom, and my first ever online order of seeds with 6 Sin City Dream n Sour, 1 Positronics Jack Diesel, and one HSO Blue Dream, (both of thsoe are fem.) I'll be getting a Caramelo tomorrow if I can wake up on time to go get it.

I will post pics later, right now this is to get thread started and a link will be provided to my current journal to see the progress that's been made so far, but this will be the new place that it is updated.
Looking forward to seeing pics of your setup! Are you growing in supersoil or with bottled nutes?


Active Member
I ordered nutes not too long ago. GH Flora Nova Bloom. I've mixed my own base mix with coco and FFOF and a few amendments for veg and I've ordered a charge pack from ebay to do a small batch of SS that will be for this round of growing. I'm going to do a comparison of my bubblegum in SS vs coco with GH nutes methinks. Sort of a side project. It will really push the limits of my light, because that will be A13, random stinky bagseed, Bubblegum x2, 6 Dream n Sour (if all 6 are female) and then the Blue Dream and Jack Diesel. So that's 12 plants under 285w LED. I know they'll be alright for the most part, just didn't think about ordering enough veg containers or flower containers. Just 1 more thing on the list. I can't find anywhere that sells Dr. Earth with Aloe & Yucca local. :\ I really wanted that as my flowering base. Still working on getting all the pics. I promise they're coming.


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Here's the link to the old journal.
Saturday was the beginning of week 3. I've got resin production starting up, looks like a fairly decent amount. The fucking two-spotted spider mites are back!!! :fire: I'm going to clean up some more and possibly bomb, but only as a last resort. I'd rather just keep spraying them with my mite wash. I have a homemade remedy that works, and also an organic spray from safer that gets them suckers dead in their tracks. The only thing I don't know is if it does eggs as well. I thought it did, because I had them gone for 5-6 weeks but as long as I get them gone before long I don't care. Anyways, 5/6 germ rate so far with Sin City Dream n Sour, and 1/1 HSO Blue Dream, 1/1 Positronics Jack Diesel. I transplanted 2 of the Dream n Sours, #3 and #6 into 3 3/4" net pots for mother keeping until clones can be taken and sex determined. I also did this with both BD and JD (shortcuts from now on, makes things easier.) I'm finally going to get Caramelo tomorrow. I'm going to trim back my Lime mother and the one I have going in veg for next round back and try and get some growth back, production hurts very much if you lose fan leaves too early. I'm realizing the hell out of this on the one I have in flower right now. Easily a 1/4 o. She is proving to be finicky, but rewarding if taken care of. I'm hoping that the base soil I mixed up for veg and the super soil charger I ordered will keep her just right as this is supposed to work by working with the microbes in the soil to feed the plant when the plant needs it, instead of when you want it to. I have many more pics on the way as well. I'll label them when my phone is finished charging.


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I'd love some predators. I normally have a nice easy supply right outside in my yard, but the weather this year has delayed their coming. I'd only need about 5-10, there's no need in ordering 1000. :)


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IMG_20130315_163620.jpgIMG_20130315_164421.jpg Left to right: Pinky (Nirvana Bubblegum), Lime Diesel (bagseed) Both are @ 3 weeks flower within 2 days of each other. These were taken 3 days ago.


Active Member

Pics: 1. Group shot 2. Sin City D n S #3 3. Apollo 13 fem bagseed smells like spice and shit, required Nitrogen out of the seed, yes out of the seed. 4. Pinky today

Im still waiting on the rest of the pics. I'll post them when they get here.


Active Member
So I got Caramelo today. Hot fucking DAMN does she smell!!!! She's a 10 inch rooted clone and she stinks up an entire room by herself. DEFINITELY getting a fan/filter combo or a sock for the veg tent now. I'm still waiting on the rest of my pics to get here, I sent them all at the same time, so Idk. DnS still has 2 seeds waiting to throw their shell off and open up, and another one that stalled (I think I accidentally broke the tap root, but I gently put it up with some more coco to prop it the right direction.) DnS #1 still hasn't germ'd so it looks like 5/6 germ so far, or 83% germ rate. I fed Caramelo, Pinky, and the astringent smelling bagseed and just gave plain water to the rest. That's all for now.


Active Member
Pics still havent showed up in my inbox. I'll resend them and hopefully have them tonight. I took cuttings of the astringent smelling bagseed and Caramelo for some bonsai moms. I'm pretty sure DnS #1 is failed to germ and I'm also pretty sure I did break the root on #4, but #2 and #5 have thrown their seeds off and I'm giving them another 2 days before I transplant them into mom/dad containers to veg until I can sex everything. This will be the routine for every plant I start from seed.

I added more perlite to all the new seedlings that have been transplanted as well as astringent and A13. A tip for anyone using coco, you can over water if the roots aren't developed enough for the size container they are in, so be careful. I'm also on another site, which I think RIU doesn't allow to post, but its got a dedicated section of the forums for growing in coco. DrainToWaste and recirculating drip systems with a pre pump filter are producing 6+ ozs in a 6.5 L container with roots so massive and healthy like nothing I've ever seen. I've seen DWC and RDWC grows that don't have roots like this. I'm definitely convinced after trying coco out in some small containers so far and using it to mix my own veg super soil mix that this is the way of the future, my friends. I'm very interested in setting up a recirculating DTW in supersoil coco with the strains I've got. If they color anything like the pic of Jack Diesel grown in Supersoil that I have saved on my comp, I'll have a heart attack come harvest time. I'll put it below. Its not mine, either. Just found it when looking for info on the Jack Diesel.


I topdressed Pinky and Lime Diesel with 1 scoop (scoop being the bottom part of a 33 cent pantyhose container from walmart used for making AACT) and 2 scoops respectively of 1-10-.3 guano and 1/4 scoop silica each and 1/4 scoop each azomite. I also watered them on 2.25 mL/L Flora Nova Bloom with GO BioWeed and GO Diamond Black.

P.S. Pinky smells like sweet, pink, candylicious heaven.


Active Member
6/6 Germ. I killed the one. I take responsibility. #1 sprouted, and I broke the root on #4. Oops. Everyone got watered. Transplants looking healthy. I took pics, but magically, they are not in my inbox. Starting to worry me. My Super Soil charge pack got here today and Mayos had a killing of a deal on 1.5 cf FFOF for $17 + tax and 25# EWC bags for $20 + tax. SS is mixed all but for my secret ingredient, and the watering of AACT. I'm getting 12, 5 liter superoots containers and a 4" and sock or filter (haven't decided) next week for veg tent. Happy Easter, everyone. Btw, free local shows are always awesome. Yay for stealing a hot lesbian. ;)


Active Member

Pics finally got here! At least the first half! I have shots of Pinky's colas coming soon!

In order: LD top, bubble hash from Caramelo, LD next round roots pre transplant, same for next 2, LD mother roots pre transplant, and again, LD next round, LD mother, DnS #2 & #5, Caramelo (needs odor control like a mofo!!!!!,) A13, Astringent, DnS #1 cracking soil(coco.)

We are now halfway through week 4. Pinky is about to need tying up, she is starting to lean. Diesel is swelling like mad, finally starting to get a little bit more frost, though this needs an outbreed to a more trichome laden strain. Pinky smells exactly like the rolled up 3 ft bubblegum packs from when I was young. Sweet heaven!!! I transplanted all the DnS now so we have 5 total, now we just wait til they're big enough to clone and sex and the fun will begin! Apollo and Astringent have put more nodes on since these pictures were taken. A13 looks a little deficient of some kind, its weird. She is healthy, but looks extremely textured. Her leaves are very distinct as well. I'll try and get a pic of that up soon. I'm going to clone A13 after Caramelo and Astringent root. I didn't squeeze out the coco enough this time when cloning. :/ Always make sure!!! Hope everyone is having a happy Friday! Goin to the show again tonight!! After I go to hell (inside joke at work, its always hell there.) Edit: That last, random attached pic is LD top with a different color setting on my camera. Just wanted to see what it looked like.



Active Member
So I transplanted A13, and next rounds Pinky, which I'm afraid has yet to turn any color on me, but is stinking nicely. Pinky went into a 3 gal with FFOF, coco, perlite, sand, sulfur, mushroom compost, silica, lime, 2-5-3 + mycos, EWC, 0-5-0 + mycos and 1-10-.3 guano along with azomite. A13 went into a square with coco, perlite, EWC, 1-10-.3 guano, 0-5-0 + mycos, Mushroom compost, sulfur, silica, and was watered with Flora Nova bloom on reg growth + extra CaMg, bio root, and bio humic acid.

I fed one of the DnS that's on the Jack side I'm guessing. My #2 & #5 DnS look just like the HSO BD freebie I got. The others are heavy N and P feeders right out of the seed. They're on the 2nd true node and already required food, so I obliged on regular growth strength. I trimmed Pinky and LD's mothers back. I have 8 cuttings if I choose, I cant decide yet, so I threw them in some water to keep them fresh until I decide on composting them or setting up another round. I also trimmed back the LD for next round. There's some stuff back in stock on the tude that I REALLY wanna get so I might just keep these in the back and flower out the round I have in veg now and hold off a round or 2.

My first cutting failed of Caramelo, the coco was way too damp. I repotted with more perlite and a fresh cutting that looks much more likely to root. The root enhancer from Clonex, not the gel, but the rapid root start, is fucking incredible! Expensive, but incredible. Astringent I think has rooted, I took the lid off and she hasn't wilted, but her leaves are sucking nutrients out. The coco is still too wet to water again, so I'm giving it another 3 days. This stuff really stays wet.

Edit: I ended up going with a 6" 180 cfm with a plastic blade. Super quiet, moves great air. I can't find my speed controller though, and I just saw it the other day. I ordered the filter from Gotham Hydro, the socks were way more than what I wanted to pay right now. They would have been as much as the fan and the filter together. I have it come on 4 times a day. Once for an hour. The rest of the time its just 30 mins. RH stays perfect between 45 and 67% with temps at 72-75F. It's a dialed in tent as soon as I add my damn shelf and hang the filter. I'm really trying to go drip btw, so if anyone has any advice for timers that can do seconds and low GPH pumps that are reliable, lemme know!


Active Member
4/5 DnS confirmed female. Took cuttings of #3 and #6 leaving 2 nodes on the bottom for mainlining. 2 of the DnS required food right out of the seed. I'm guessing its the apollo genetics from the jack. It too required nutes with only its first true set of leaves. The BD dom DnS smell pleasant. There's a sat dom and a stretch ind, the HSO BD is a stretch ind as well. You can just tell by looking at them Idk. Ordered Mosca C99 bx1. Straight STOKED!! Pineapple add meds!!


Active Member
Pollen can be stored in a sealed container in your freezer for 6+ months. BE SURE TO LABEL!!! I accidentally made some lime diesel x bubblegum seeds when I made more LD bx 1s. Ill probably find that male again and hit up the atringent for some more frost but still keeping the same flavor profile. Or just wait for some lemon kush or skunk.


Active Member
Alright peeps! Last update before harvest. There are more recent changes, but no pics. My phone takes about 3 days to get them to my email so yeah. Plus work has been craaaaaazy lately, so not much time to update. Anyways, here they are!

Pics: 1. P deficiency in Fan leaves under LED 2. Closeup of Pinky 3. Astringent roots 4. Astringent cutting transplant 5. DnS #2 Its the Jack dom pheno, required food right out of the seed. She took it like a champ with 1.25x strength 6. DnS #3, I think that's the most sativa of the phenos 7. Jack Diesel 8. Apollo 13 before cloning 9. Same, but nodal stacking 10. Apollo 13 after cloning 11. Right side of veg tent 12. Left side of veg tent with carbon scrubber in background. I'm hanging it when I get back 13. Left middle of veg tent 14. Right middle of veg tent.

I've got some friends coming to water and feed while I'm gone, I know about the security issues, but these are the good guys. I should be harvesting either the day I get back or within the following 3. I'm then cleaning the fuck out of both tents. Pinky is getting a nice fade, but never turned color, Idk if my environment is that much different than the guy that gave me the cutting, but I guess so. Diesel is a bitch to feed, she's very picky about her ratios. Also, always add CaMg+ if you filter your water at all. I finally figured out the mystery of the red stems in the fan leaves.


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Sorry its been awhile since the last update. Life has been super crazy lately. I'll try and remember to come back and do one tonight.


Active Member
Alright well, a lot has happened since this last update. I had a family emergency and had to leave town right before chop time and had a few friends that were comfortable watching them for me until I came back. Well' the first one never showed while the 2nd was out of town as well, and I lost a few mothers and Heat stressed the SHIT out of the plants in flower. Needless to say, this has been addressed. I'm looking into a drip system now, and we know who will be looking in on them in the future!! I didn't take pics except for personal record, as it nearly stopped my heart when I came home to the broken garden I had when it was a paradise when I left. ;( DnS #1 & #5 went to swim with the fishies.

I ended up with 2 ozs total dry weight, I've smoked a 1/4 just because and the one day when I was out of the already dried and cured product(smoke report for pinky at bottom of post). .2 gpw. I actually am not as hurt as I expected by that number, I had a room full of spider mites when I came home, from the missed watering, it created the perfect comeback environment for them. (Got Dr. Doom) I had nute lockout problems and missing foliage for most of the veg period and 2 1/2 weeks of flower, and they weren't chopped at the right time due to fear of losing the whole crop. Also, canopy height was very uneven, with LD responding to training differently. I'm mainlining all possible future prospects, and have already begun on DnS #3.

I'm seriously considering another 4x4 for 2 level mother keeping, and turning my 2x4 into a 2 shelf veg and clone cab. I have my C99 and Blue OG and Skunk 11, but noooooooo where to put them at. >_< My friend that gifted me Caramelo also recently gave me his Pineapple Punch B pheno Mom. She is the last surviving cut. :D She came to me a little cal mg'd def but she's looking better. He's trying new nutes and things aren't being so forgiving. Speaking of nutes, I'll probably be using my Flora series for mother keeping and switch to Roots bottled organics line and give it a shot. Its like $175 for the whole set, and then they have a terpene enhancer and a flowering catalyst and a CaMg if you're using filtered water, or have a strain that likes extra (A13, Caramelo, Pineapple Punch.) Flora works fine for me, just want to go more organic.

If yield and cola size (shooting for quarter or bigger, not dime size, which is what both LD and Pinky were,) dont improve after switching to mainlining, Super Soil, and getting rid of mites... I'm done with LED until I have money to blow. I've heard some very bad things about Lumigrow and Kessil, and possible lawsuits, and not showing up to the max yield expo... I would have hoped Gotham Hydro would be better. I'll use it as supplement to a 600 dimmable. I'll probably get the ipower setup. Don't have the money to blow on both MH and HPS bulbs, already going to need to upgrade to a 400cfm from a 240, that's $80 just right there, and I'm not using a PoS reflector. So there's another $130, I'm already at $210 before I even add bulbs or ballast!! I don't have that kinda money so we'll see. I have lots of things to be saving for, most especially paying off student loans. Going back to school in fall to get my degree in Botany, Horticulture, and Agricultural Resources Management. Then, I'm moving to Cali and getting a Culinary degree while I go to Oaksterdam. I'll come back with some pics soon.

I know there's a proper section for this, but I'm doing this for the peeps in my journal.

SMOKE REPORT(Pinky): Overall: 7.5 (uncured) Taste: 9 Aroma: 9.5 Effect: Mostly Sativa Strength: 6.8 Trich coverage: Medium Heavy Trichs at harvest: 85/10/5 clear/milky/amber Bag Appeal: 8.7 Smells like grape diesel bubblegum. Very, very pleasant, and very, very noticeable. People will smell this in your pocket. Pleasant strain to smoke, its enjoyable, giggly, a decent tolerance build up. Its a bit of a social strain, but only around certain crowds. It can be a motivator, or a nice comfortable relaxing warmth. Been smoking on some for 2 weeks and its actually getting stronger, still not dry!!! No bud mold anywhere, but I like a lonnnnnng slow dry before the cure. Maximum terpene content!!! Overall, its something I'm going to keep around, oh! trimming!!!, she's a 6 on a 1-10 of difficulty. Anyways, I'ma keep her around, maybe an outcross to fruit punch C99 male?! Or a nice Panama Red. She's sweet as is, and would make a very good pairing with a diesel for a little sweetness. I'll try and get some dried shots up. She's a pretty flower!


Active Member
Pinky is getting stronger every day. Mild tolerance build-up. Been smoking on it a month straight just about. LD has been tested. Better this year, not by much, but better. I haven't tried it stand alone by itself, but its also been a verrrry slow dry. No mold, just high moisture. Its ok, no rush.

I'm still working on getting the rooms clean enough to cover furniture so I can bomb, gotta take down some electronics and nick nacks. I didn't lose Carmelo after all, and I didn't lose DnS #1, just #4 and #5 are gone. (4 from seed mishaps and 5 from drought/heat stress.) Pinky is revegging, A13 and DnS#3 didn't mind the drought too much and took it like champs! DnS #3 likes feed water water water feed at 3/4 strength nutes. 3/4 of the 1x feeding strength, not 3/4 of max strength. BIG difference there! A13 is feed water water water feed a 1x & double strength CaMg+. Almost all my strains require an extra shot of CaMg+ because of my water filter. Some more than others, and some more frequent than others still. I'm trying to figure out how to run a single rez for drip system. Might just do 1/2-3/4 strength nutes and 1.25x CaMg+. I will have to figure a schedule for adding Roots to the flower tent rez because SS says not to use or ferts are not needed. My garden shop buddy tells me differently, that he also uses a SS and adds nutes 1-2x in veg and then 3-6 times in flower depending on what strain he's running. So basically, I would run nutes during stretch and swell weeks, and also 2nd and 4th week of veg, that way when nutes are changed to flower, transition will be smooth. I might veg longer than 4 weeks, it just depends on my T5s and how many nodes it has after its been trained for 8 colas.

I have to take another cutting of DnS #3 for a new mother. Its just healthier than the original from seed, which I hate to lose, but is sometimes a necessary thing. #6 is ready for about 6-8 cuttings. I've also recently been told that Cat Piss has all but disappeared from west coast and the cutting has made its way to someone in my circle but its not something they easily give out, and its $200 a pop. Also, Mr Nice taken to the full 12 weeks and in a greenhouse... oh man, purple and musky and a nice hybrid high, looks sooooooo pretty in the sun! There's a lot of kind going around here.


Active Member
Got access to some new cuttings soon!!! Raspberry Cough and AK-47, but I'm passing on the 47, too strong for me in the odor dept. I love its smoke though, and it makes INCREDIBLE BHO. I'll see if I can get some pics up later. Raspberry fades red every time and 2 ft trich dripping colas. He said she literally looks like a giant raspberry! :biggrin:

I just ordered a drip kit to try out for my flower tent, but I'm going to run it on part of my veg tent for a minute to get the hang of it. I don't have the money this week to get the 30 site kit that I need for mother/veg cab so I figured why not start getting used to it?? Had to get more CaMg+, too.