Juicing raw Cannabis


Well-Known Member
Anyone juice raw Cannabis. I've almost bought a juicer a few times, does it resin up the juicer pretty badly? Would suck to have to have a juicer for the cannabis and another for the kids apple juice. Any input on the subject would be appreciated! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S-iU9QN0fEM found this interesting. Don't agree with some of the politics but otherwise great.


Well-Known Member
I started this thread the other day and commented on not agreeing with some of the political views. About half way through the video a pig comes on a shares his two cents about how its medicine but its still wrong if you medicate all year and one day you sell a half a million dollars worth of weed you still a criminal. Thats the part I was disagreeing with. Anyways today I go on seed depots forums and come up with this http://www.marijuana.com/news/2012/11/mendocino-county-sheriff-busted-for-growing-500-marijuana-plants-on-fathers-property/ heres the first video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S-iU9QN0fEM ..... too funny. Do you think he has one big ass juicer? Or maybe he sell eighths all year........ fuckin hilarious!

So after he takes it in the ass from the Feds do you think he'll be pro or anti marijuana?


New Member
juices As for recipes, i just have some staples that i use pretty much in everything i blend like spinach and flax seeds. Spinach adds very little flavor and tons of fiber that i wouldn't have had otherwise. flax is good source for vegetable fats with no flavor.
Other than that, any fresh fruit (or combination of fruits) for flavor, most times plain water, sometimes milk. Sometimes i add eggbeaters (lots of protein and not that many calories). Sometimes i add oats. Whatever fruits available make for the flavor of the day.

Ginger is a good addition, very refreshing taste. I've had similar results with spearmint and basil. Cucumbers are similar to spinach, very little taste and tons of fiber.


Well-Known Member
Why would one juice their weed? For like antioxidants and crap? You won't get high levels of cannabinoids or really anything medicinal


Well-Known Member
Don't you know how much effort that takes?....seems interesting, though not very tasty. I personally would still make hash oil as I do now. Its concentrated if done on fresh material it isn't decarbed either. You would lose many as I said antioxidants and crap this way, but fresh weed like that isn't very tasty. Keep us posted if you try it.....I still don't like the idea though,like making ice hash or blender hash or something relying on the insolubility to make the hash leads me to believe everything will fall to the bottom or even remain in the juicer, and I don't just mean trapped it could stick and bind with the plastic. But it does seem very healthy and organic so if that's your thing


Active Member
Why would one juice their weed? For like antioxidants and crap? You won't get high levels of cannabinoids or really anything medicinal
yes you will. if you don't know what you are talking about why answer?

THCa CBDa and the like are all CANNABINOIDS, medicinal, antioxidants... and NOT CRAP.


Active Member
Don't you know how much effort that takes?....seems interesting, though not very tasty. I personally would still make hash oil as I do now. Its concentrated if done on fresh material it isn't decarbed either. You would lose many as I said antioxidants and crap this way, but fresh weed like that isn't very tasty. Keep us posted if you try it.....I still don't like the idea though,like making ice hash or blender hash or something relying on the insolubility to make the hash leads me to believe everything will fall to the bottom or even remain in the juicer, and I don't just mean trapped it could stick and bind with the plastic. But it does seem very healthy and organic so if that's your thing
stop posting. watch the videos and learn something. then speak.


Well-Known Member
I did watch it that's when I gave that response... and please don't insult someones intelligence when you obviously don't know them. Go check my cdlsa thread, or various others I have a pharm.d. and work for a pharmaceutical company in my area I am quite informed on all the cannabinoids and how they work...anyway good day, impman ub I've had enough of this for one day. Seems riu is very argumentative today


New Member
Why would one juice their weed? For like antioxidants and crap? You won't get high levels of cannabinoids or really anything medicinal
Juicing might be the best way to ingest this medicine. Where does the high levels of cannabinoids go then?

You really need to educate yourself on the topic my friend because your way off base.


Well-Known Member
Lol I generalized the non cannabinoid water solubles as antioxidant and crap.. that's what it is you can get it from many different sources. The only thing unique about weed ate the cannabinoids and I suppose terpenes though they haven't yet become active either so you won't get any medicinal properties from any of this..do you really want to go into this with me. Its safe to say that I would run circles around.d you and your "evidence" I only post quotes that start with abstract;)


Well-Known Member
R The assuming high levels of cbda and thca will go through never said they wouldn't though a large portion may become trapped in the machine or plastic....please excuse my spelling

Huel Perkins

Well-Known Member
I am a believer in juicing but I don't like the method of using a juice machine that separates the juice from the plant material with the fine screen. I think that that style of juicing machine will end up causing you to lose a lot of the valuable sticky resin glands (the trichomes full of cannabinoids) due to them getting stuck to the mesh screen in the juicing process.

I prefer to make a smoothie using a high powered blender, using all of the plant material. I like to add one banana, raw spinach, carrots, whole hemp seeds, broccoli, frozen strawberries, frozen blueberries, pomegranate juice and about a gram of top shelf bud. So far I've tried this with Cheesequake and Cannatonic, they both taste great.


Active Member
I am a believer in juicing but I don't like the method of using a juice machine that separates the juice from the plant material with the fine screen. I think that that style of juicing machine will end up causing you to lose a lot of the valuable sticky resin glands (the trichomes full of cannabinoids) due to them getting stuck to the mesh screen in the juicing process.

I prefer to make a smoothie using a high powered blender, using all of the plant material. I like to add one banana, raw spinach, carrots, whole hemp seeds, broccoli, frozen strawberries, frozen blueberries, pomegranate juice and about a gram of top shelf bud. So far I've tried this with Cheesequake and Cannatonic, they both taste great.
very on point there Huel, you want a wheat grass juicer which really is like a masher/grinder and pulp extractor. you will get less fiber this way.. your blender idea is a great way to do it.

and FYI -qwizoking, bad spelling and not understanding the acid compounds kind of lead me to believe you are not a doctor of pharma anything at all...

and if you are...

EXHIBIT 1: to why the worlds healthcare system is failing.


Active Member
Lol I generalized the non cannabinoid water solubles as antioxidant and crap.. that's what it is you can get it from many different sources. The only thing unique about weed ate the cannabinoids and I suppose terpenes though they haven't yet become active either so you won't get any medicinal properties from any of this..do you really want to go into this with me. Its safe to say that I would run circles around.d you and your "evidence" I only post quotes that start with abstract;)

try. did you even watch the seminar with Dr Courtney I posted? and you know my "evidence" isn't just rambling like you. i've researched and discussed it and met the man. what have you to offer? please i'd love to see you try, but for some reason, rather than researching anything yourself... you felt it worthy to challenge me?
  • do you really want to go into this with me. Its safe to say that I would run circles around.d you and your "evidence"​

yes i do :D

Edit: sorry for triple post, something went wrong on second and had to split up text.


Well-Known Member
.Lol y'all guys.. I too was gonna post on the medicinal properties of both because I think its also important to understand that because itn s not decarboxylated you lose on all the medicinal properties that require activation of cb2 receptors......again I would run circles you literally are basing your knowledge and credibility on the fact that you met a man who possibly has a degree. What are you upset about? I merely pointed out that a chemical extraction is more efficient with the same results minus in the water solubles and bad taste lol......and bad spelling is due to being on these stupid touch screen cellphones. Please elaborate how I don't understand these "acid compounds".......well let me know when your done Googling or whatever. +rep if you actually get me to change my view or lol even arouse my interests in juicing period