Just a Question not enough light?


Active Member
I have 2 mazar plants. 1 is 2 months old 1 is about 3 weeks. The 3 week shows alot better progress than the 2 month old. The 2 month of is getting tall when mazars are supposed to be short. Was the light not close enough heres some pics.


Active Member
what type of lights are you using and how far away are they from the plants? also what is the wattage.


Active Member
the general rule is 100w per plant. although the box says 250w on it, it is actually only 85w and the small one is only 65w. the 2 month old is probably stretching because it is not receiving enough light. it would not hurt to add another light as long as the heat is kept under control.


Well-Known Member
Your plants are looking good, they have tight node spacing and healthy foilage. Nice grow man but, I would add maybe to more of those 250 replacments and up to 4 more later through the grow. good luck.