Just a quick Q - how do you cut holes in your plastic storage tubs?


Well-Known Member
I know a lot of people here use lidded plastic storage bins as mini grow closets or for hydroponics. What do you usually use to cut holes in these bins? I've got a jigsaw but it leaves a rough edge and might be overkill so if there's a better way I'm all for it. Thanks!


Active Member
Well there are a few ways but the easiest is with a hole saw. Which you can get at any hardware store that attaches to a drill. Just make sure you get the right size or buy one that is adjustable like the one I have. It 6 sizes in 1 ranging from 3/4 inch up to 3 inch.

But wholesale is the easiest in my opinion.

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Well-Known Member
^^^^^ The only answer to avoid heartbreak in the future.

Anytime you violate the integrity of the container, you need to be as concise as possible. Get all the parts in your possession before you cut anything.

Measure twice, cut once.

Peace and Great Grows



Active Member
Great advice. Otherwise sometimes you end up doing the same job aswell. Waste of grow time.

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Well-Known Member
You could always try a hack saw blade. Only the blade it should cut fine, it did for me anyways I used gloves to keep from cutting my hands up. The reason I did this was cause a 6 inch hole saw at lowes near me was60 bucks..


Well-Known Member
anytime i cut holes in plastic i use a hole saw. (you don't need a bi-metal one made for cutting metal, just a cheapo one)
first i use the drill in forward to get the pilot in, then i reverse the teeth so they don't catch and crack the plastic.
if drilling a lot of stuff be sure to use a corded drill.

as for sealing things (if needed) i use black RTV silicone sealant