Just Beautiful


Well-Known Member
^^^^That brought a good chuckle to me! (If that makes sense) I am sooooo drunk!

Here's some 80s RnR, but I find it to be so beautiful, and I just have to hear it right now.

This video was banned when it was first released because of the murder scene depicted, but it is such a good tune.....



Well-Known Member

Sounds like MTV, always wanting to ban or edit music to make it suit their needs.
Music should be free like a butterfly, never mended to soft fuckin minds.


Well-Known Member

Man, I'm just all over the place tonight lol


Well-Known Member

It's a beautiful day for a race...


Well-Known Member

Makes you think about life and the beauty in it!


Well-Known Member

If you don't think this is beautiful I will personally come to your house and kill you.

Me & My friend

Well-Known Member
If you don't think this is beautiful I will personally come to your house and kill you.
Yes definitely beautiful but as for Me.........I'll just let my friend do the dirty work if you don't see the beauty!

Me & My friend

Well-Known Member
RIU RIU on the net ...who's the fairest as of yet?
As a natural beauty one must love & set free......sweet Mary Jane Kush it will always be.

But I'll be damned if there aren't some smokin runner ups!



Well-Known Member
minnie......I love all the bird sounds.:)bongsmilie


Damn, that woman can sing!


Well-Known Member

Damn right she can


Well-Known Member
After all this time, I still can't get that song from The Wizard of Oz out of my head.:smile:
