Just became a patient! Time to grow! Flowering pics, help appreciated!

Hello everyone,

I received two small plants from a friend a while ago, and after one turned out to be a hermie, my mother plant is well along the way. I just got a new light set up (1 400w HPS, 1 400W MH) and have the mother sitting under it just soaking up the light with 3 small clones I cut under 3 CFL's now (2 natural white/daylight bulbs, 1 soft white bulb).

I just wanted to join the site, exchange information (mainly receive it since I'm new...ha) and show what I've got going on with my grow. In the near future, I would like to get a Hydro system and start some babies from scratch myself, as I have acquired about 20 Afghan Dream seeds that I'm just DIEING to plant.

As of right now, I'm only using soil, because that is what was given to me, but I quickly transplanted the mother to some Fox Farm soil a while back.

Recently, I've been having some trouble with spots on the leaves and them curling, which I think is from the new lighting system, but this is what I would like help with. I've attached pics. Take a look and let me know what you think. Any input and help would be greatly appreciated.

As for nutes, I'm only using IONIC Bloom mixed into RO water at all times (I won't touch tap water).


Oh yeah, forgot to add that I read the sticky thread titled, "Marijuana Plant Problems and Cures". I'm really worried about the leaves on my plant and it's health and want it to get better. The only problem is that I am color blind so I cannot diagnose which exact problem my plant has. Can anyone take a look at the pics and help please?! I'm desperate!