Just finished my first grow, quick question (pic)


I just finished my first grow, and it worked out much better than I expected. With a ton of help from this site, of course.

I grew just one plant, and the bud harvested (and dried) fills up a sandwich size ziplock bag and a quart size ziplock. I know there is no exact answer without a scale, but does anyone know roughly how much that equates to? its packed fairly densely into the bags. I've got a scale on the way, which should be here in about a week, but I'm anxious to find out.

Sorry about the poor quality of the picture. Camera phone.

Thanks for looking, and happy growing.



Active Member
how dry is it? if its bone dry then i rekon its probably just shy of 2 ounces but its hard to tell, i always have to pick weed up and n squeeze it to judge its weight


Active Member
ya density and water weight have a lot to do with it... but I think we're on the right track saying 2-3 oz's. for your sake I hope its closer to 3:) I can usually fit an oz comfortably into one of the smaller ziplocs you have there, so I'm assuming the same in this case.
Good stuff, you know what kinda genetics it is?


Well-Known Member
you newbies seriously need to stop double posting. your getting hits on your other thread that has the same pics asking the same questions. did you really need a second?