Just found a GREAT alternative for powering pc fans. Need some advice for cooling too


Active Member
Those fans are not DC! They are 120V AC fans! Those cords will not power 12V DC PC fans, but will melt them quit nicely.


Active Member
Cutting the 110v down to 12v is necessary to keep you from letting the magic smoke out of your fan. Once you let the smoke out, it will never work again.


Balls! There should be an adapter for PC fans or fans made specifically to plug into outlets.

This is a great profit opportunity, where are the entrepreneurs?

Are there any good alternatives to pc fans?


New idea, a fan speed controller that has a DC adapter, like this: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811999167

$28 is more than I'd prefer to spend, though, I like cost efficiency. Seems like someone in Asia could sell the same thing for a lot less. You would gain fan control, though.

So, something like this: http://www.ebay.com/itm/130471433227?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649

Seems it can run two fans, so no need for a splitter.

Only problem would be you might need fan extension cables and, mainly, powering it from an outlet. It doesn't have a dc adapter.

So, that leads me to a DC adapter for the type of connection this uses.

This seems like it should work:


That leaves us at $18.50, and there's no guarantee that the fan controller is of good quality...

Well, that settles it. What a pain this was. It's more expensive, but you'd have speed control.

Now, any recommendations for fans? My box will only be about 9 cubic feet (1.5x2x3).