Just got my seeds!!!

OK TOTAL NEWB HERE!!! Just got my 5 nirvana wonder woman skunk seeds and wondering what to do next. Ok yall should know I am still living at home so this setup will need to be discreet. How should I grow these badboys? HID or cfl's? I do know that I want to setup a DIY bubbleponics system in my closet in some kind of home built enclosure. The threads on here are overwhelming with the different ways in cultivating marijauna and such. So what are the neccesitys for a newb like me? I know I will need lights nutes and the stuff to set up my bubble pond. My main concern is with which type of lighting. Some say cfls others say HPS and MH? I know with any HID I would need to vent off the hot air and cool the fan so I ask you guys what would be best? I am not looking to spend a ton of money.


Well-Known Member
OK TOTAL NEWB HERE!!! Just got my 5 nirvana wonder woman skunk seeds and wondering what to do next. Ok yall should know I am still living at home so this setup will need to be discreet. How should I grow these badboys? HID or cfl's? I do know that I want to setup a DIY bubbleponics system in my closet in some kind of home built enclosure. The threads on here are overwhelming with the different ways in cultivating marijauna and such. So what are the neccesitys for a newb like me? I know I will need lights nutes and the stuff to set up my bubble pond. My main concern is with which type of lighting. Some say cfls others say HPS and MH? I know with any HID I would need to vent off the hot air and cool the fan so I ask you guys what would be best? I am not looking to spend a ton of money.
damn bro! thats kind of hard for me to give a reply to that one for the fact that your living at home still have to hide it. thats going to be hard enough. your perants will eventuly try to find out the extra power source on the bill and not to metion the smell you plants are going to create as they get older exspecily bein a skunk decendent. your best bet would just get what you can from out doors while you still can. maybe some of these vets. can give you some good stelth ideas i was always to scared to grow in my folks home when i was younger. good luck bro
You'll never be able to hide it from your parents, so instead of wasting your seeds trying just wait until next year and plant them off your property somewhere. If the cops find them on your parents' property they could lose it, so don't be an idiot and risk that.

LAX Skunky BwS

Well-Known Member
u wanna be discreet.. and not spend alot of money on equipment ... your gonna get what u put in.. u got wonder woman SKUNK as they get older they will stink up the place trust me ... u need ventilation ... fresh air.. ect.. and u wanna do all that in your folks home? good Luck
u wanna be discreet.. and not spend alot of money on equipment ... your gonna get what u put in.. u got wonder woman SKUNK as they get older they will stink up the place trust me ... u need ventilation ... fresh air.. ect.. and u wanna do all that in your folks home? good Luck
Okay if they start to stink i will ventilate thru a filter up into the attic, I am in college but live at home I am not some 14 y/o I am in my 20s so any help would be appreciated, I can take the risk and y sis is 19 and could care less. Anyway what type of lights would suit this grow best?

LAX Skunky BwS

Well-Known Member
didnt come across like your a 14 y/o... but no matter.. as far as lights..well im a HID light guy.. my humble opinion is u will get the best results using HID lights ..
Ok well what is the difference between MH and HPS?? And would you still need to vent the air if using cfls because of the smell not the heat?


Well-Known Member
Ok well what is the difference between MH and HPS?? And would you still need to vent the air if using cfls because of the smell not the heat?
yes! you would still need to vent the air cuz of the smell regardless of the light you use! lights dont cover the smell!


Well-Known Member
I thought about the same way when I wanted to get started. Ordered the seeds and figured I could just throw them in my closet with a light and grow. Its not that simple. There is a lot of stuff involved. You need air intake and exhaust. You need a carbon filter to cover the smell, you need lights, you need a place that you can for sure keep 100% dark when needed to be and not interupt it. etc etc. There is a lot to it. As someone else mentioned, I would just wait until you are on your own. Less risk and you can do it the right way.


Well-Known Member
Just remember, if you get caught, the landowner is held responsible for allowing it to be cultivated on their property - and that also applies even if your parents were unaware of it.

Do you really want to see your parents go to prison because you decided to be impatient?

Just wait 'till you get your own place, then you can grow in it to your heart's content.

Or do an outdoor grow.

Just don't be selfish and try to hide it - they will find out about it.


Well-Known Member
And as LAX said, you will need to vent. You'll be drilling holes in the walls. It's not your house to drill vent holes in.


Well-Known Member
Hid lighting if that is all you can get you hands on.But you could have done wih some h.p.s these are great for veg/bloom.But belive me bro it will be a hard one without antone else knoweing.Thefirst questions that you have to ask your self is do your parents come in your room if so add a lock say you need privacy.You will also need some flouresents to keep the clones going while the other grow is going i would advise 3/3ft flouresents and a couple of 150 watt cfl's.I flower my plants at 1 ft tall and then the max heisht of a indica/sativa cross will be around 3 and harf ft.So it has to be this high to get the best out of the plants.The gowroom is gonna need a hole cut in the side with pipe that points at the floor so it will not be seen.Also you should get hold of a showerroom fan this will take stagnenet air out of the grow area. And the last thing is a osalateing fan this will cool the room and create a false wind makeing the plants stronger.This is gonna be alot harder than you think because the more you want parents out of your room the more they wan't to come in.A gret one my friend did was he set everthing up in the loft space no one had no ideas till his dad wanted something out of ther.Another friend made a boom box just for base but it was.'nt been used for that reason the diamensions was 3 ft/3ft square and 7 foot tall.But all the things that you will need but get plenty of soft rubber clips these make fans realy quite and exaust fanput a bead of old inertube around the exaust fan this will also stop noise rubber clips for the lights.And most important a fire exstinguser just to be safe.But concentrate on a small room for clone's/seedling's first this will give you a idea if you can get away with it.You can build this just over 3 ft long for 3 /3ft flouresents.height i would say 1 ft is ample room by 1 foot wide this will slide under a bed.But put fly papper around the tops of each seedling or clone once they go into soil this will aid is stopping spidermites.Good luck if anything goes pear shape take full rsponsability for you grow.You will not need mother plants if you take plenty of clones they will be ok for 8 week till crop is finished then bang the clones in only the best looking.Keep the lighting has close has possible get warm daylight 1 and the otheri daylight cool then add 2 wall mounted 150 watt cfl at each end.Sorry about the lenth dude trying to help.