Just how little can I do and have a clone root?


Well-Known Member
So Ive only taken two batches of clones since starting growing, but I have had about a 98% success rate with 39 of 40 clones rooting. The first time I tried cloning I used clonex and stuck them right into soil, and let them sit in homemade humidity domes for a little less than two weeks. Only one of the clones in this first batch did not survive. The second round I bought a dome and rapid rooter plugs and also used clonex. Every one of these rooted and is now a growing plant. Last night I decided to try something and while I was topping a few of my strawberry blue plants, I decided to take the cutting and stick it in nothing more than a shotglass of water with another bigger cup over it and sprayed with water for humidity. I could have just used clonex, put it in a rapid rooter plug and then into the dome, but what fun would that be? My question is just how little have you done and still had a clone root?


Active Member
I've buried part of a stem for 2-3 weeks then clipped it off at the base and presto a clone that rooted before I cut it off. I usually just stick em soil now. No clone gel/powder. A piece of saran wrap to keep humidity in for 10 days. Have about the same success rate as you. Only lost one this way. Had a 100 percent success rate with rockwool cubes soaked in light bloom nutes but that's a bit too much work for me lol.


Well-Known Member
Size does matter when rooting clones. I've found that clones need to be large enough to have a hole in the middle of the stem.
Smaller cuttings do not root as well for me if I try using clones that are too small to have the center hole. That's what I go by.

Good luck, BigSteve.


Well-Known Member
yeah i agree, the cut i took while topping is fairly small, its still alive so we will see what happens.
Using hormones to root clones in unnecessary. It might speed up the rooting process, but it's not necessary. Freshly taken cuttings put into soil, coarse sand or water will all throw out roots fine.