Just planted seeds, help!

Hey I germinated my seeds via paper towel method. When they cracked I planted them in promix bx and put them 3 feet away from a 400 watt MH. They been under a 18/6 light schedule for 2 days now.

Someone mentioned I should put plastic over the tops to make a humidity dome. Is that essential? If so did I already fry my seeds by putting them under the light without a humidity dome.

All help appreciated!


Well-Known Member
No your method is correct, put them to the side of the light not under the light. Leave the lights on for 24hrs until they are at least a month old. This will speed up there growth.
Alright thank you I was worried when I heard I needed one. This is my first grow so im kinda jittery over everything. Ill put them to the side on the light til they sprout?

I was going to keep them on a 18/6 because i'm putting them outdoors in June and don't really want them to get too big indoors before then.


Well-Known Member
There not sprouted yet? Man it's early my bad. Keep them on top of the fridge. less light and warm to the soil/roots. when they sprout keep them way to the side of mh as they grow up you start to move them under.
The humidty dome is just a saftey to keep medium moist. You don't need one as long as you do not let it dry out, those roots are fragile.
There not sprouted yet? Man it's early my bad. Keep them on top of the fridge. less light and warm to the soil/roots. when they sprout keep them way to the side of mh as they grow up you start to move them under.
The humidty dome is just a saftey to keep medium moist. You don't need one as long as you do not let it dry out, those roots are fragile.

Well my seeds cracked and I planted them in moist soil. Then I put them under my 400 watt MH (3 Feet away). Would it be safe to leave them under that light even tho they haven't popped out of the soil yet? I don't have any other realy options for light since I have 15 plants in started pots. The room is between 75 - 80. Im spraying the top of the soil to keep moist and I have a fan in the room. Been on 18/6 light schedule for 2 days so far.


Well-Known Member
As goldenganja13 said leave them at the side of the light if possible. Being rite under it would be to much untill they are about 2 weeks old. If you can't leave them around the edge can you lift your light?


Well-Known Member
Next time you use the paper towel method, let them grow a little before planting. You can leave them in the paper towel until you see the 2 embryonic leaves emerge and completely shed the seed casing.

Then plant them all the way up to the embryonic leaves in soil and place in grow room to the side like GoldenGanja13 said. Or if you have any fluorescent lights then you can use those. I put my germinated seedlings under fluoro tubes for the first 2 weeks before placing under my HID. Seedlings do not really need much light for the first couple of weeks and HID can be a bit harsh for them at first.
Here are 2 pics of my pots and room.

So is it too late...are my seeds ruined now?
If not should I keep them on a 18/6 light schedule or should I just remove them from the room and keep in my bedroom til its pops the soil?


Alright i'll keep them under the light ill just push them off to the side so they are not directly under it. Ill spray the top layer of the soil to keep it moist and hopefully they will pop in a few days. Thanks for all the replies.