Just repotted some ww and one is drooping :S


Well-Known Member
hi ive just repotted some ww plants which are round my mate's house and there only about 2.5weeks old but getting very bushy and about 8inch's tall xD and they were in pretty big pots anyway to start with so when i repotted i assumed they wouldnt be near the bottom.....i was wrong
the first one i teared quite alot of the roots then thought o shit !!

so the second on i got out fine with all roots still attached lol

neway both went into a big pots and one is looking fine but the other is droping pretty bad and its only been about 2hours is there any chance this will recover from my stupidness ??? i mean they look lush absolutly beutiful so i really want to keep this one if pos




Well-Known Member
Trans plant shock. Give it a shot of superthrive. It will take a week or 2 to recover.

thanks for the advise dirty boy !

and btw i think she is going to pull threw i just checked and already starting to perk up again thanks for the quick response ! xD