Just Thought I'd Throw Up Some Pics of Where I'm at Right Now


Well-Known Member
hahaha, lol. thats my shit. i gotta D/L that shit Rich. just ordered new speakers for my car this'll be great to test the higher frequencies.


Well-Known Member
Break it up, chop it up, cut it up, tuck the end
Take the Phillie out and roll it up!
Light it, hit it, hold it, pass
Puff puff blow it up!
See some of y'all niggaz be talkin about blowin
but can't handle the doja
Gettin sleepy n shit, quittin all early
Bitch you ain't no smoker!
that song bring back a whole bunch of middle school memories man.


Well-Known Member
yep yep dats sum funny shit be takin you back

back indaday

in the hood about 7 mauhfukas pilled into sumbodys car -windows rolled up eyes getin red as hell -stank all in yo clothes hair errywhere


Well-Known Member
dats funy we think the same my exact thoughts
an i think bill had mentioned it to in the past
but i guess all stoners think kinda the same

how you be hope allis good yo way

good akarma to all
you yours
an yo endeavours

green movement


Well-Known Member
dam i was feelin good till that post now that put a dark cloud over my mood an disposition

im thourly sorry for you they say we must find the purpose in things an that all happens for reasons sum beyound our comprehensions

i wish for you the best stay focused aim for the top floor an if you land sumwhere in the middle fine play it out

you got a lot on your plate bruh - reality - i was thinkin maybe taken a break till you land sumtin be your drive your extra push
el gato - time to land on yo feet - mentally you should almost be in trainin like a fighter trainin for a big fight
you are a good person an im sure you will be recognized in his eys and taken care of - i belive this to be true
an i need for you to believe it
you dont have to say nutin

but he only helps those that helps themself
translation=you gota be doin sumtin to get help
cant be layin on yo back sayin you need help to walk
gota be up tryin take a step he wil help wit the next

but if you layin in a lounger wit a joint sayin you need help = nada

i hope all works out for you an for yours
an i hope you have sum kinda faith to feed to kids to - good for them to believe (good for you to)

i also hope you are ready to fight

this internet s not the real world
i retired from the real world
you gotta get into it
grind at it
good for you good for kids to see
good for fam
not a stoner life
thats gota go to the back burner now
can pick it up later

touch in erry now an again
but do whut you gotta do
you ant livin wit
or by
yo pen pals bruh




stay turue



Well-Known Member
gotta work first then glide or sail or surf

a surfer - first gotta bust his azz to get out there to be able to cath a wave

a biker - gotta bust his azz to get to the top of the hill to cruse down

a skate bord - gotta wear out bottomoof one shoe to gilde a few feet

im sure you get the point cause i assesd you as above adv- under the cap

cumin down to choices

i must be humorus to sum
but i was a drafter for a big company
went to nyc as a manager built a databased drafting dept then got screwed- i got the job of managing the department i volenterd to help build
i hated it then first level supervision wit unionized subordinates
responsible for the department its output all
i worked hard
now retired and i work hard at relaxin
i got to top of the hill im cruzin now

you gott start peddeling bruh


Well-Known Member
i hate the thought of good officer being removed from the front line
in the green movement not just a soldier
oh well reality trumps all
i only grew when my son went to college

but we all gotta do us
we cant do whut others do
when lights go out puters go off
all has to be squared away
for all

good luck
im glad to have deserved to be able to get fuked up all day

when i was yo age i had a full time job that i jerked off
and to correct i was a superintendent in a 34 family apartment building
cause i did not want to go back home to fix my fucked up

so i worked hard -no time to fart
from ther i bought a 2 fam then a one
but i busted my anal pertrusion now i dont

i know no other way legally


Well-Known Member
so busy ranting

PB i like dat holes of happiness like lifes journey
we get little holes of happiness along the way theay are small
an pass by fast but we must learn to appreciate them

a nice piece tke its head
i try to
cant over do anything gotta be balened
to much any thing can be bad
even apain in da azz god freak overkill
but we all need a litlle god or sumtin to believe in
wher faith is born for without faith
whut is there
but we must stay balanced like our
solar system like a gyro scope

im geting a hard time at home lately my wife is feeding me sumtin about ET in place of God

we doin battles

but we luv each other

