keeping garage cool?


How do I keep my 20' x 30' garage cool enough to flower in without my plants going nuts, my garage is like 100 or close to it and my plants are not happy. What kind of air conditioner do I buy if I'm low on cash? Currently got a 1000 watt hps, but I'm not running the exhaust from the fan outside because it feels like the air temperature and not hotter, would it make a difference? What about having fans that take in outside air at the bottom, and vent the hot air at the top?


Active Member
I converted my 18x19 garage also. I bought 1 1/2" Styrofoam installation to go over the garage door and spent like $200 in installation to insulate the ceiling. Pulling your fresh air from your house would help too. If you're short on money and live on the west coast a swamp cooler can help too. I spent thousands getting the environment in my garage close to correct. You can't just them into 100 degree weather in a huge space like that and not have any money lmao.


Active Member
my buddies medical grow is in a garage as well, and lets just say lately its been a real problem. Its been 30+c here for the last 2 weeks, and the temps in there are through the roof. He has an 800 cfm fan pulling air in, and an 800 pushing air out.... The small mother room bed area is so hot they killed their last 5 moms. They finally moved the mother area into the adjacent house's basement. It looks like another couple weeks of this hot weather, so i don't know how they will make out, or if they will!


Well-Known Member
step 1 ventilate the roof (eave vents, solar exhaust fans, attic exhaust fans etc)
step 2 insulate the roof with reflective barrier and insulation.
step 3 provide both passive and active relatively cool air inputs into the growth chamber.

air flow and shade will keep you close to ambient temperatures


so mine is in a garage.

i did not want to open the garage anymore so i wrapped it in mylar heat refelectvie stuff, then insulated it , then wrapped in plastic twice..

i then ducted off house ac and into garage.. my unit is small , and it makes it run alot but it does keep it below 80 in garage... i also had spray insulation put in in attic.

where i live it is HOTT 90-105 all summer..


I did have a grow setup in my garage as well, all that I did was insulate the room as best as you can and I went and bought a temp controlled AC unit and it worked just fine...